So, here are my current circumstances. We have a bed (boxspring, matress and hollywood bedframe), two nightstands, two lamps, a couch, coffeetable, sidetable, dining table and four chairs. When Danny came home last night (he had duty monday night and couldn't come home) we walked to the NEX and bought a microwave. Luckily our house came with a refridgerator, dishwasher, washing machine and dryer. The rest of our stuff will be here soon. I have been stressing about money because this is all very expensive and we don't get paid until friday. I am hoping to get a job teaching English, but the next class (introduction to teaching english) isn't offered until September 20th. Maybe I can get some help from Kana, but she is busy too.
But for right now, there isn't much for me to do. We don't have a television, dvd player, music... nothing. It is very quiet and very boring. I can't go outside because it is too hot. Yesterday it was about 85 F and very muggy. I don't like to leave the house until the sun sets unless I am going somewhere with air conditioning, like the library (where I am now), the bus, or the train. I met Danny for lunch yesterday on the base and I had to stand under the dryer in the bathroom I was sweating so much. Yuck.
Oh! Here is our new mailing address! PSC 472 Box 136 FPO, AP 96348-2900 Please write to me!
I love our new townhouse (although it is infested with little jumping spiders). I will send pictures as soon as I have my computer set up. The weird thing is our house address, which is on racetrack road. I wish we could live on a cool street, like skyline, but I'll live with what I can get.
I know there are so many things I want to say, but they are escaping me. Thank you to everyone who sent me email, especially the girls (you know who you are). I love hearing about how everyone is doing and what has been happening back in the states. I am sorry that I don't have time to write you all back individually. I have got swamped with email and don't have the time. I have been reading them though and I am glad to get them. Once I get my computer, internet and time I will try to reply to them as I get them. It is overwhelming to see them all and have any hopes of replying. Hope to hear from everyone again soon. I will try to check my email again before friday or saturday.