Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

Click image to see a better view.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Long needed update

I know there hasn't been an update in a while. Sorry. Never realized how demanding motherhood is- physically and mentally.
Melanie is 3 months and one week now so we're (I'm) trying to establish important routines. For the last three nights she has been sleeping in the bassinet in the pack and play. I want to make the transition easier when her crib arrives. She had been sleeping in the seat of the sweetpeace swing. The nice thing about the bassinet is that I can rock it forward and back. She awoke about 20 minutes ago and I gave her the paci and rocked her until she fell asleep. It was nice that I didn't even have to wake her up.
She has been rolling over consistently. I did get the very first on video, but I have to wait until Danny gets it onto his computer. It is going to be quite while until she can roll from back to stomach, but she is really good at getting on her side.
Her favorite new thing is crying when I leave the room. Sometimes I lay her on the floor and go into the kitchen to get something to eat and she gets quite fussy. It seems so early for her to develop this, but I am hoping it doesn't last too long. I think as long as she has someone paying attention to her she is okay. Doesn't HAVE to be me.
Lastly, we went to Kamakura on Sunday because Danny hadn't seen the big Buddha there. I posted pictures in photobucket. It is public.
Kamakura Dec 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008

Google Street View

Here is the closest you can get to our house in Japan. Feel free to explore the rest of the area!
Google Maps Japan

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

big girl

guess who's rolling over now!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


By the way, there are more pics in Photobucket and I'll be starting the 3-month album soon.

Another milestone

Happy 3 Months little miss Melanie!!
You're growing up too fast.

Monday, December 08, 2008

More Laughter

Here's another I took yesterday.

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Better video

Here is a much better one. I hope she makes this a daily thing.

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Baby giggles

Today was her very first and I caught it on video. Sorry for my obnoxious laugh and bad camera work. I hope you're able to hear her over my own giggling.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Cute girl

Added more pictures of Melanie to the two month album.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Can't be a mom AND watch tv

I was just watching the Today Show and they had a segment about fire safety in your home. The fire chief is walking the reporter through what to do. He went into the nursery and showed him how to get the baby out of the crib without standing up. I had to change the channel fast because I thought I was going to cry. It was just a doll. I think I have to go check on my baby now. Then go to bed before I freak out. :)

Elf Yourself

Send your own ElfYourself eCards

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Pictures of cutie-pie

I uploaded pictures to her two month album. You can comment on individual pictures now too.
Link: 2 Months

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Melanie's 2-month appointment

Sorry it took so long to post this. Melanie had her two month appointment on Thursday. She got three immunizations. I almost cried when they stuck the needles in her legs. She screamed. She is now at 9lbs 7oz and 22in. She is still at the low end for other girls her age, but I don't have a problem with that.
I didn't like the pediatrician so much, but thats what you get with military health care!
I had my appointment the same day, so I'm taken care of now to avoid having another little Melanie too soon!
Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Marni's eulogy

For anyone interested:
If I was in the states I would be going to her memorial.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mrs. Lougheed

I'm not sure that many people who read my blog know Marni Lougheed. She was my third grade teacher from Silverdale Elementary. Recently she attended my wedding and I sent her Melanie's birth announcement just a few weeks ago. I received an email from my grandmother this morning telling me that she lost her battle with cancer. She was diagnosed 20 years ago. My prayers go to her family.
Thank you for being such a great teacher and person Marni. You will be missed.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Sankeien Pictures

Melanie and I went to Sankeien Garden today with Amy & the twins. Here are the pics:

Here are pics Amy took. There are some beautiful ones of Melanie and I.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Story Time

Another Video!

Yes, I forgot to add that this is the cutest thing I've ever heard and I could listen to her talk to me all day long.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's nearly that time of year

Some people have already started to talk about Christmas, so I wanted to get this out there.
First, I wanted to say that Danny and I are not buying Melanie gifts. We are going to put money into a savings account. I know other people wanted to buy her things, so I wanted to give ideas. We don't need any clothes. We have enough and it is something I enjoy shopping for anyway.
Obviously she isn't too interested in toys right now, but she really likes anything with lights and music. Oh, and mirrors. Typical baby thing, but I have a really hard time finding stuff. We are collecting books, but I don't want to get something we already have. If all else fails, there are still things on the amazon registry.
hope that helps.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Letter from the President & First Lady

Melanie got her first letter in the mail today!!

The Bush Family isn't stalking us. I requested it. Pretty cool in my opinion. Now I just need to find a frame for it.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Halloween pictures

As promised, here they are. I am becoming obsessed with iMovie...

That beautiful smile

I caught a little video of her smile. She was a little smiled out, but still terribly cute.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Melanie's First Bath

Here's another one of Melanie's first bath! And for the inquiring minds, both videos were done on a Macbook Pro...

Enjoy the video of Melanie's playtime!

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Halloween Comments

I'll be dressing Melanie up today. Pics to come later.

Monday, October 27, 2008


I've been meaning to do this for a long time, but I finally got Danny's pic scanned into my computer. I'm posting here for comparison. It's hard to say who she looks like. To some extent, all babies look the same.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I made one

Here is one that really is Mocha and Melanie! I need opinions. Is it even funny?


I hope to get a picture of this soon. It makes it impossible not to love her... Melanie has a new habit. When I take her out of the bassinet in the morning, she gives me a big 'old grin. So adorable!! It's totally gonna melt Danny's heart.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


A few people have asked if Danny is home because I've been quiet. No, but I'll let you know when he is. I've just been busy with Melanie. Sometimes we go out at her nap time so I don't get much "alone time".
I take pictures nearly everyday so Photobucket gets updated every few days. I just posted a few videos too. Here is one for you to check out.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Baby & Cat

Omg, this looks like Mocha and Melanie!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sleep and Eat

I just fed Melanie and am waiting for her to go back to sleep, so this is a good time to post an update.
Things are going well here. The last two nights she has slept in her own room! After Danny left I got her to sleep in her bassinet again (she's been sleeping in her papasan chair). I got a sleep positioner that I ordered which works much better than rolled up blankets. Yesterday I put it in the bassinet section of the pack'n'play and put here there for her nap. She cries a little, but we're working on a system that seems to be successful. Last night and at 3am I put her back in there and she fell asleep without one little peep. Right now she has the hiccups and may not fall asleep, but it'll be fine. Anyway, I think both her and I are sleeping better at night. She was so tired yesterday she zonked out at about 730 last night.
Breastfeeding is going really well. It's still frustrating that she wants to eat every 1.5hr or so, but I'm getting used to it. At night I am pumping and bottle feeding her. It also seems to work well for both of us. The only downside is that nursing helps her fall asleep, but she has a pacifier that she loves.
Well, she is crying and awake now so I gotta calm her down, but another update will come soon.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

One month

Happy one-month day, Melanie!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

So tired

I'm guessing that even the smallest amount of caffeine does not agree with Melanie. I had half an iced mocha yesterday and she was awake until 1230am. She then woke up at 500 and was awake until 7. Then woke up again at 930. She is acting like she is continually hungry, but spits a lot of it back up.
THEN, Mocha pukes on the floor. I obviously cleaned it up, but my house is still a disgusting mess. Plus I have a huge pile of icky baby clothes.
I'm tired...

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Pictures

Here are some new pics. Check out photobucket for the rest.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

We went to Yokosuka yesterday to work with the lactation consultant. There was some good work and it was pretty successful. I'm still working on getting her to latch correctly, but we've made progress. No more bottles, at least for now.
The nurse wanted to weigh Melanie before we left. She is now 2.16kg which is essentially 7lbs. Finally she's too long for preemie clothes. I had to go to the Exchange yesterday and buy her some newborn clothes though. When we go through 3-4 outfits today there isn't much left for her to wear!
Well, that is about as much time for an update as I have for now.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Holey Moley!

I woke up at about 530 this morning and just about jumped out of my skin. Melanie was still asleep! I freaked out a little before I remembered that she didn't go to sleep until nearly 11pm. I eventually went back to bed and went back to sleep. She was tossing and turning and making baby noises, but stayed asleep. She ended up sleeping until just after 8pm. She was asleep for 9 hours!! The growth spurt is starting to wind down and it is common for babies to sleep more after them, so this is probably a fluke. It will be a long time before I can sleep longer than 6 hours at a time.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

So many ups and downs

We're doing a little better today. It is amazing what adequate sleep can do.
I called 3AOB last night and talked to the lactation consultant on duty. He gave me some tips and pointers. They particularly want to see me and help me, but that is difficult living in Negishi. For now I am trying to pump every two hours and get my supply back up. He gave me lots of information, but it was hard to get it all 'cause I was distracted. Melanie was being just a bit fussy, then Amy brought me dinner (banana pancakes - THANK YOU!!) and cleaned my kitchen floor. I had a cricket jumping around and drowned it in bug spray. That stuff is slippery and gross. So hard to get off the floor.
Anyway, today is starting out as one of those good days. Hopefully I can keep her full and happy today.

Thanks to everyone for the breastfeeding advice. I feel like I'm depriving her by bottle feeding rather than breast, even if it is still my milk. She enjoys breastfeeding a lot although she likes to pacify. I understand babies do that for comfort. We'll keep working on it. Hopefully I can get sleep and am more willing to do what I need to do to help her learn.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Breastfeeding is so hard!

Like I said, Melanie is going through a growth spurt right now. She CONSTANTLY wants to eat. Getting her to latch on has been difficult and she is a slow eater, except on the bottle where she inhales her milk. To make things worse, the nipple guard decreased my supply and I am finding it difficult to supply her desire to constantly eat.
I have tried to get help from my forum and the visiting nurse, but have got none. Esp the people on my forum talk to me like I'm dumb. No one seems to understand the struggle I'm going through and don't seem to accept there is more than one way to feed your baby. I've been trying to pump, but still am not getting enough and neither is she. It seems like people believe traditional breastfeeding is the only way and if you can't do that you're a failure.
I'd like to find someone who cared about me, listened to my problems, and would talk to me about all my options. I've resulted to mixing formula and milk to ensure she has enough. I'm doing the best I can and am afraid its just not enough. Melanie seems she would much rather nurse on me, but just doesn't work most the time. She wants to pacify and I just don't like it.
Honestly I feel like a huge failure. I made a mistake and am having a really hard time recovering from it. I am just really, really tired.

More pictures

I've added more pictures to the photobucket album. I try to take some every few days.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

She's growing

Little bug is going through a growth spurt. Yesterday she wanted to eat constantly! I'm (we're) still having problems so I've gone back to pumping again. I'm tired of her using me as a human pacifier.
Despite her crankiness yesterday, we are doing really well. I don't know if it's the meds, sleep, or leveling out of hormones, I am a lot less cranky and more even tempered. Hope it stays this way.
Well, after the last post, I thought you'd all like to hear some good news.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Funny picture

Just wanted to post a quick one before heading to bed.

Friday, October 03, 2008

Very frustrated

Some of you may laugh at me, but I never imagined how difficult being a mother would be. It's even worse when you feel completely alone. Her cries are so frustrating, she eats constantly and I am so totally exhausted even when I get a full nights sleep. I dread her waking up 'cause that means I actually have to take care of her. There are so many theories about what I should and shouldn't be doing, but all I know is that anything is insanely difficult to do by yourself. She bathes every other night, I change her diaper and feed her, but I can't do much more than that. Keeping her entertained, giving her tummy time, working on what is a good sleep time, getting her to stop crying... all things that drive me crazy. I'm so exhausted that I just wish there was a time I didn't have to worry about her. Danny's only been gone a few days and wish he wouldn't have had to leave at all.
Well, I was hoping to get a quick nap, but I think she is waking up. Ugh. It never ends.
BTW, update on the appointment I had Tuesday... The doctor gave me a prescription for Zoloft, but I don't want to take it. I am still trying to decide and have a follow up appointment next Friday. I have a lot of conflicting feelings and different opinions from everyone. The hardest thing for me is Danny thinking I don't need it as I value his opinion the most. Of course he isn't here and not able to see how I handle things day to day.
I gotta go. Melanie is waking up and will want to eat.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 week well-baby check

Melanie had her 2 week appointment today. I'll make this quick as she is sleeping and I should probably be doing something (or sleeping).
She weights 2.813kg (6lbs 2 oz) now. Her measurements put her in a low percentile, but that doesn't concern me. I have some special diaper cream for her diaper rash. I had a lot of issues with the hospital getting it and spent a lot of time there waiting.
The clinic gave me a questionnaire about my mental health and the pediatrician was a little concerned. Yesterday was really hard for me with Danny being gone, but I don't have time to wait and see if I adjust or things get better. I have an appointment with the family practice doctor here in Negishi tomorrow morning.
She has been really good today. There was a lot of waiting and sitting in her stroller, but she didn't fuss much.
I'll keep everyone updated after my appointment tomorrow.

Monday, September 29, 2008


I did check with the Exchange last week. Sorry it took so long to post this. Anyway, they said that you can go to any flower shop in the states and they can send the flower order to the Exchange in Yokosuka. Just make sure they have our house address (551-A Racetrack Road Negishi Heights). If you have any problems, please let me know. I'll talk to the flower shop again.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


We have already taken 100s of pictures of baby girl, so I am just posting the link to my photobucket album. You can go there and check them out.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Family Photos

Tracy took a few pics of us the other day and I wanted to post a few for your viewing pleasure. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

The First Appointment

Melanie had her first appointment with the pediatrician today. The little stinker exploded her diaper just before we removed her clothes to weigh her. She got it all over her outfit. Luckily Mommy was prepared with a onesie in the diaper bag!
Her weight has gone up a bit and her jaundice is all but gone. When we left the hospital the level was just below borderline (for being over 72 hours old) at 14 and today it was only 4! She is doing really well.
I wanted to wait until she was at least 3 weeks old before giving her a pacifier. Last night she cried from midnight to 3 and zonked out the minute we gave it to her. Hardly even woke up at 7 so I could feed her. She was in bed until 10 when Danny got her up and took her downstairs. We also started her on a bottle today. I'm gonna keep trying to breastfeed, but she just isn't getting enough to eat that way. I am pumping though. We bought formula today for emergency backup.
The pediatrician was great 'cause he told me that she is our baby and we can do it anyway we want. Whatever works for her and for us. We had a good day out with minimal crying. No luck finding preemie diapers though. They are all gone. Ugh. Hopefully we can make the newborn ones work until we make it into town to find Japanese ones.
Anyway, I'll add more info as I remember. :) We're doing well for tonight. It was a long but good day.

Melanie's Dedication

Sunday at church we had a dedication ceremony. Today I got the pictures from the pastor. They turned out really great!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Baby video

I know it is sideways. I didn't think about that when I was filming... I do that alot.

The last few days

I know its been a few days since I posted anything and everyone is dying to hear more news.
Things are going well. Right now we are working on getting her to sleep during the night, but she is still on a day schedule. I am pretty tired, but mostly able to move past it.
Breastfeeding is still a challenge. She can get milk out (there is plenty of it!) but not enough. Even with the nipple guard, which really hurts, she would have to feed for 20-30 minutes on each to get enough. Most of the time we are feeding her with the syringe. Can't do that forever though! I am considering exclusively pumping and feeding her with the bottle. It is a hard decision to make as breastfeeding time is good for bonding and cuddling.
Her dedication at church was today. I was afraid the dress I picked out for her would be too big. It was a little, but not too much. It was very cute. A gal at church took pictures, so I'll post them as soon as I get them.
I am tired and my mind is drawing a blank on what else I wanted to say. As always, if you have any questions, please post them and I'll try to answer.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday Update

I've been released from the hospital, but Melanie hasn't. They tested this morning and discovered they had borderline jaundice and had lost 13% of her body weight. She hasn't been latching on, so her diet is formula via syringe. We have a third test in a hour to check her jaundice levels. They may put her under the lamps.
I'm doing okay. Trying to catch up on rest. Percoset is a lifesaver. So is Danny as he's been feeding her. I hope to take a shower as soon as her returns. The last 24 hours have been difficult, but its slowly getting better. Danny is helping me keep an eye on my emotional well-being too. We are slowly adjusting to being a new little family. I'll update as soon as we have another significant update.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

She finally made it

Yes, it is true. Melanie Rose was finally born at 2:46 this morning weighing 6lbs 3oz and 18" long. The certidel was given to me at 9am and contractions started. I was progressing okay and they decided to put me on the pitocin to get me the rest of the way. I was still progressing, but on the pitocin her heart rate would drop quite drastically after a contraction. They spent the rest of the night taking me off and putting me back on it. I was creating strong regular contractions on my own, but not progressing quite fast enough. I got an epidural which was the greatest thing ever and was finally able to rest. After baby monitoring for a while, they broke my water and inserted the baby heart rate and contraction monitor directly into me.
Eventually they decided to call Dr. Chang who was in charge of c-sections. After watching me for maybe an hour after that, it was decided that since I was only 7-8 cm and Melanie was having problems that it was best for her to be born via c-section. Not much to say besides that. I got my catheter out this afternoon and have been able to spend a lot of the day moving around. Its been nice.
Melanie is having a few problems latching on, but we are making progress. Looks like we'll be feeding again after this post and FINALLY going to bed. I am very tired and haven't gotten much sleep today. Too much excitement.
It was asked about flowers and I was told that anyone should be able to call the NEX ordering line. They send the order to the NEX here, who would know where the hospital is. Specifing Yoksuka is the important part. If you want to call us directly, our number is 011-81-46-816-8550. Just be careful about what hours you call us and don't be surprised if there is no answer. If you don't have that number, calling the one I gave you in the last post is good. At the Labor and Delivery desk, ask for us by name or room number (3).
We gotta go feed now. Here are some pictures.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tomorrow morning

For all those awaiting phone calls, don't be surprised if you don't get one right away. There hasn't been any progress so I'm going into the hospital at 6 am. Danny will likely be the one making the calls. Since you know I'll be induced, we probably won't call when I start having contractions. The new grandparents will get a call as soon as possible after she is born. There are a few other calls we'll make slightly later. Don't be surprised if you get a call from Tracy though.
If you can't stand not having information, feel free to call Labor & Delivery at the hospital. Just call 011-81-46-816-7144 (Naval Hospital Quarterdeck) and ask to be transferred to Labor & Delivery or 3AOB. Sorry I don't have the exact number on me right now.
Well, I gotta get back to the room and ready for tomorrow. Its gonna be a big day.

Friday, September 12, 2008

After the sweep

Not feeling much different... The whole procedure was very quick and not as painful as everyone made it sound. The doctor was gentle to me and it felt a lot like an internal exam. I've been on my feet the rest of the afternoon/early evening but it hasn't made a difference. I am hoping as the night goes on something may happen. The doctor said I am 1-2 cm dilated now, but that still leaves 8 more to go.
Well, I can't do a whole lot now. The nurse said "have lots of sex"! Danny seemed pretty amused by that. :)
If there is any change tomorrow I'll try to update. Otherwise it may end up just like today.

Going in again today

Amy finally made it down to the base yesterday and I hung out with her while Danny went to the airport. We didn't do much, just walk around the Exchange and Commissary. I've been down there a lot recently just 'cause its one of the few things to do on base, but it was great to get out of the room and not spend the day alone.
Since Grandma asked what I do all day long, I promise it isn't very exciting. Because he doesn't have to work, Danny spends a lot of time doing things that have no interest to me. He doesn't seem to want to get out of bed as early as I do, so I just stay. Nothing for me to do on my own. Our entertainment consists of television and Danny's playstation. He always seems to be playing something. I brought down a few books and my knitting, but just haven't had the desire to pick them up. Recently I've spent a lot of time on my computer. Although we don't have internet in the room, I just discovered today that I can go straight outside and pick up an MWR wi-fi network. It's not a very comfortable place to sit, but I'll manage.
So, the purpose of this post was to give you the most recent update I have. I called L&D last night to see if they had any induction openings for today. They said that there were two scheduled, so no luck for me. I had already decided this would be our daughter's birthday (sept 12th) but she's given me no sign this morning that its a good day. Haven't even really had pre-labor contractions today. She is one stubborn little bugger. Anyway, I called again this morning to ask about a membrane sweep. (click here for more info) My midwife said she wouldn't do it, but the doctor I spoke to this morning looked at my chart and said there was no reason someone couldn't. I think Lt Commander Hiles just doesn't believe in doing it. She didn't explain, but that was the impression I got. Amy convinced me that I should get it done. It may decrease my chances of needing the pitocin on Monday. So, the doctor told me to come in anytime this afternoon and they would do it. It may kick start labor, so I am hopeful. (Frustrated, but still manage to have some hope left...)She has to be born eventually!!
Well, thats the latest. We'll update as soon as possible after the sweep. I don't expect results to be instantaneous. Somehow I'll try to update on wether it works or not.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I was feeling hopeful yesterday. Starting getting some stronger contractions before going to bed and had more in the morning. I got up to move around some and get breakfast. As soon as I layed down on my side, they stopped. We walked for nearly 3 hours straight in Yokosuka yesterday, but all I'm having are those teeny little ones that are very inconsistent. It's pretty frustration. I decided months ago that my due date should have been tomorrow, so there is still hope. I would have been induced tomorrow, but there was already another gal on the schedule. I'm debating if I should call and see if it is open.
Danny left a few hours ago and is driving to the airport today to pick up his parents. Kinda sucks being alone down here, but Amy called and said she would be heading down today so it looks like I'll have something to do. I've been sitting here on the internet for about an hour just checking up on stuff. Apperently the reason I can't get internet in the stork's nest is because the router software is too old for Mac security. :P I can walk down to the park and have access to a few different wi-fi areas.
Well, no other information to give than that. I promise that when I do go to the hospital, I'm calling no matter the time so be prepared for the phone to ring anytime of day.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Last appointment

The last appointment this morning went great. Had a few minor contractions during the non-stress test and baby's heart rate was doing well. My uterus was measuring at 37 and the amniotic fluid was sufficient (10-11 cm, 8 is low). Danny hadn't seen her on ultrasound since my 19 week appointment so the midwife did some looking around before we were done. I know it made him happy.
If I don't go into labor by the 15th, we are supposed to call the hospital at 5:30 am and go in by 6. She could possibly be born by the end of the day. Labor by drugs, as I've said, doesn't sound like a lot of fun but I really want Danny to have sufficient time with her and I'm not gonna argue with the midwife.
Thanks for the prayers.
Here is what I hope is the final belly picture. I know I haven't posted any in a long time. I took ones previous, but this is the one that matters.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Only have a second to update, but I just wanted to let everyone know we're still waiting. I don't want to be induced next week, but I feel like I have a timeline with Danny leaving at the end of the month. It is very annoying and I am trying everything I can, but I guess it's just a waiting game.
I have an appointment at 10 tomorrow morning. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Yokosuka & Appointment

I have to type quick 'cause I have lots to do and not much time. We came back up to the house tonight for a short time and I want to get things together to go back to Yokosuka.
Had my ultrasound this morning. Everything looks good and I got to see her practicing her breathing without hiccups. Very cute. She is still growing and fell into the range for her size in all catagories even if she is the size of an average baby 2 or 3 weeks younger. I don't want to push out a watermelon!
The midwife was busy this afternoon so I was hooked up to the NST machine for nearly 1.5 hours. Luckily Danny showed up to save me. I was tired of being stuck laying there. Happy when they took me off. I had a few minor contractions while I was there, but they weren't strong or regular. The midwife didn't measure me or check my cervix today. At this point it doesn't matter much anyway.
I have another appointment on Tuesday morning and have been scheduled for an induction if she doesn't come. September 15th!! I need her to come naturally though...
So, I will hopefully get the internet in the Stork's Nest figured out soon. Until then, we'll find another way to contact you if needed.
Love you all.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

We're going today

Yup, finally moving down to Yokosuka. I'm waiting for Danny to come home from work and we're taking my car down. I have to sneak my bags out to the car without Mocha noticing. You know how she gets. :)
I've been having false labor contractions (braxton hicks) since last night. Had a heck of a time sleeping. I have another appointment tomorrow afternoon so we'll see if I'm making any progress.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Update on Yokosuka

We are scheduled to move into the Stork's Nest today, but I decided I didn't want to go until tomorrow. I've talked to someone down there and she assured me that we wouldn't lose the room if we didn't go today. I have too many things to do and am just not ready to go. In fact, while lying in bed last night I nearly freaked out realizing that it would be the last night I'd sleep there in peace. Not that one more night is going to make a lot of difference, but since she is showing no interest in coming anytime soon I'm not gonna rush out of the house. I'd rather be somewhere I'm comfortable.
I'm also still in the process of finishing things up. I got most of upstairs clean, so I just need to pack my bag and work on downstairs. I have a few more meals to make before we leave. So far, I've stocked the freezer with taco rice, macaroni & cheese, cheesy potatoes & kielbasa, and waffles (made this morning) so I don't have to cook much later. Needless to say, I've never seen our freezer so packed full. I still have to make the calzones, lasagna and I was thinking about making a batch of french toast.
Where am I gonna find the energy to do this...? Eh, somewhere.
Anyway, that's the latest update. We will have wireless internet access in the Stork's Nest so I'll continue to update. Dan & Tracy will be here on the 11th (a week from tomorrow!) and I'm really hoping the baby will be here by then. Either way, Danny will have to go to the airport on his own since we won't have a passport for her yet and they won't let us through security without one. I think it would be better that I don't force her to make a long car trip like that just yet.
Does any body want to try to convince her to be born? I've tried everything I'm comfortable with.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Friday, August 29, 2008

Friday 29th appointment

Everything is fine.
The baby was playing hide and seek with the heartrate monitor. My the time we got it set up, she would move away. The heart beat line was inconsistent, but we got a good enough sample. Again, I didn't have any contractions, but she was moving around a lot.
The midwife did another internal exam. She said I was open on the outside, but not on the inside. Apparently that is normal for a first baby, but I have no idea what it means. She didn't explain and I didn't ask. Either way there doesn't seem to be any progression toward labor. I am feeling a little uncomfortable after that exam, but I know it will go away quickly.
I got another ultrasound today and the midwife was measuring the fluid space, which still looks good. She kept trying to take stills of the space to measure it and the baby would move her hand or foot into the middle of it. Made things a little difficult. I got really tired of laying there.
Got another measurement of my fundal height. I was 34 this week. It is still 4-5cm behind, but still two more than last Wednesday so we know she is still growing. Next Friday during my in-depth ultrasound we'll find out exactly how much.
Anyway, that's pretty much it. I am moving into the Stork's Nest next Wednesday. My next appointment in Labor & Delivery is in the afternoon on the 5th.

Another Friday

I'm still here.
Weather still sucks. We had thunderstorms all night long.
It's finally Friday, but Danny has duty tomorrow. Poo! Well, at least Monday is a holiday.
I have an appointment later today (10am). I'll update as soon as I get home. Hoping for good news. If I'm even the slightest bit dilated I'll be happy. Some progress is better than none.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Okay, fess up!

Alright, who sent us the Washington weather?

It has rained nearly non-stop since Sunday night and it doesn't look like it's gonna let up anytime soon!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

He's finally coming home!

Yes, for those of you who haven't heard Danny finally got a flight home!
Here is the itinerary info:
United 5408 San Diego(10:18 8/23) - LA(11:08)
United 891 LA (13:04) - Narita (16:30 8/24)

Hurray! I'm super excited. I won't be going to the airport to meet him. Pretty sure the midwife wouldn't be happy about me traveling that far from the hospital. I'll be going to Yokohama tomorrow night to pick him up.

Friday, August 22, 2008

NST update

Everything looks good. Babies heart rate was good, although the nurse noted how active she was. It ranged from 120-180 depending on her activity. I found watching the monitor to be very fascinating. No contractions during the 40 min they had me hooked up. (I think they forgot about me...)
The midwife came in when I was finished. Said everything looked good. She did an ultrasound measuring the fluid space. Also, she asked me what gender I was told the baby was. I said "well, they say I'm having a girl". She froze the screen and said "yup, there is her labia". Phew, I'm relieved. Now I can finally wash ALL her clothes. That will give me something to do over the next two weeks!
I am scheduled for another NST August 29th and another full ultrasound in Radiology, like I received Wednesday, on September 5th. They canceled my appointment at the Ob/GYN's office and said I don't need to do those anymore. I'll just go straight to Labor & Delivery (AKA 3AOB) from now on. I kinda miss my old midwife, but this one is great too.

Oh, and I took all my bags with me when I left the house this morning. Pretty sure Mocha thought I was leaving again 'cause she puked in my shoe shortly after I left. I was so mad!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

NST scheduled

Just got off the phone with the OBGYN office and I'm scheduled for my NST at 1040 tomorrow morning in labor and delivery. I'm bringing a book 'cause I'll be there for a good 20-30 minutes.
I'll be sure to update as soon as I get home. Probably about this time (late night pacific time) tomorrow.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

My 37 week appointment

Had my 37 week appointment at 1020 this morning. I didn't want to believe Danny, but he has some crazy instinct; the midwife was running behind. I don't think I actually saw her until 10 to 11. Well first, my heart rate was a little high so they checked it again manually. It and my blood pressure came back normal. So much for technology!
Baby's heart rate was in the 150's. The problem was that my fundal height was only 32. She did the internal and they baby has dropped a little, but not enough to count for the low fundal height. Cervix was about as closed as it could get, so no progress in that department.
So the midwife was a little concerned. She left to make some phone calls and got me into radiology at 3 for an ultrasound. The concern was about her size and possibly the amount of amniotic fluid. If she was in the 10th percentile or less they would have to decide if I even got to come home today, and if I did they may start two appointments a week. Obviously I was a little freaked out. I hadn't brought my hospital bag with me and Danny is still in the states...
(I was a little upset this morning because Danny told me he is not able to change his flight plans and only the XO can do that if he decides it necessary. Otherwise, he has to stay in Seattle until Sept 2nd. I'll keep you updated as I hear more.)
I had a breastfeeding class at 2 I had to leave early. They did all the measurements in the ultrasound and compared to the "average 37 week fetus" she is in the 13th percentile. They said she was more like a 35 week fetus with a due date of Sept 20th. Her weight is currently at 5lbs 14oz. I assume the amount of amniotic fluid was okay. The midwife told me that everything looked okay for now and I was allowed to go home. Tomorrow morning someone will call me and schedule an NST (non-stress test) for Friday or Monday. For those who don't know, during an NST they hook me up to machines that monitor the baby's heartbeat, movement, and any contractions I may have. That should take 20-30 minutes.
I am not ready for this baby to be born - not like this. Like I said, I was terrified today and the thought of being induced, and without Danny here, scares me even more. Now I feel like I need to keep an extra eye out for any changes. I am nervous and want to hold out until Danny is home. Guess I'll never feel ready, even if I have my bags with me!
Over time, I am relaxing a bit more though. Since there doesn't seem to be any major issues, I think it is possible that she is just meant to be a small baby. Nothing wrong with that in my opinion. There was a sale in the exchange today, so I bought some preemie outfits in case she doesn't fit into newborn or 0-3 month cloths at birth. Plus, I was trying to plan in case I got admitted today. From now on, my hospital bag will be in the car. (Oh, and speaking of car: I ran into a metal construction barrier and dented/scratched the car. Let's make the day better!)
My next "regular" appointment will be on Friday the 29th with yet another different doctor.
Well, here is pics from the ultrasound. They aren't so great. I can explain/decipher later.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

I'm still here

I realized this morning that I probably shouldn't be quiet too long 'cause everyone will wonder where I am and whats going on. If you don't hear from me, you'll really have to assume no news is good news though. There is nothing new going on here. No more contractions or any other sign she'll be coming anytime soon. My next appointment is on Wednesday morning and I'll be staying in Yokosuka until later because I have my breastfeeding class at two. Of course I'll try to update as soon as I get home. Sure there won't be much to say. They'll be checking for dilation and other fun pregnancy things. My appointment is with a midwife I've never met before. The one thing I hope to get out of her is a realistic answer of what my due date really is. I know they can't say for sure, but if I'm measuring 2 weeks behind I'd like to know if I can expect her that much later than they keep telling me. I am kinda tired of dealing with them "not worrying about it". Sometimes you just want a straight answer....
Well, that is all there really is to say. Not much besides pregnancy happening. Our neighbors just officially left this morning, but Amy told me last night that if I need anything I shouldn't hesitate to call her. She'd find someone to watch the kids if she needed to. Hopefully Danny will be home and that won't be an issue, even if he'll be going to work during the day.
Oh, and we went to the Bon Odori festival last night. Everything was pretty much the same as last year, but I'll see if I have any good and different pictures. I can guarantee they aren't as good as last year.

Oh, and I forgot to mention that I reached 37 weeks today so whenever she is born she will not be considered preemie, but full term. Guess thats quite a milestone.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Stork's Nest

I finally have a tentative date for my check-in to the Stork's Nest (the "hotel" for expecting moms). The coordinator called me and said they're flexible on the date. Right now I'm scheduled for the third. I told her that although everyone says they try to get people in two weeks early that they didn't need to get me in that early. Really, we don't live that far away and I am sure she won't be born that early anyway. If anything changes I'm sure I can adjust the date. They keep the room available for up to two weeks after my due date so I'm not concerned about that at all.
Anyway, thats the latest update. Glad I don't have to pack that bag for a few weeks. At least I know Danny will be here by the time I'm ready to stay in Yokosuka. I think he'll be starting leave at the beginning of that week.

36 week appointment

Okay, didn't write yesterday when I go t home, but I am now.
Nothing to eventful at the appointment which I suppose is good. My blood pressure is still good and I haven't really gained any weight since my last appointment. My fundal height was 34cm, which is still two behind my due date, but the midwife still isn't concerned. I also had the GBS test. They are checking for certain bacteria that could be passed to the baby during birth. If it comes back positive, they'll give me antibiotics in labor. She is still head down and my midwife wasn't surprised to hear about my contractions.
The "fun" part was that there was a male Japanese medical student shadowing my midwife. He was the one who measured me and checked the baby's heartbeat, but was also watching during my GBS test. Awkward...
I managed to schedule for next Wednesday so I won't have to drive down twice next week. I am going to he breastfeeding class that same day at 2. Luckily I'll only have a few hours to kill.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Mocha's appointment

Mocha was still acting odd with her eyes, so I decided to finally make an appointment for her. So today at noon she saw the vet. He looked at her eyes and said that her eyes were dilating properly and her cornea wasn't scratched. He inner eyelid was a little swollen so he gave me an antibiotic ointment to put in her eyes. It may be difficult to do it myself, but I'll try at least once. If she tries to rip all my skin off then I'll get my neighbor's help. :) I'm already formulated how I'll hold her down.
They told me when I checked in that she would be due for her rabies and another shot in September. They gave me the option to do it later, but as I will have a baby then and they don't allow anyone under 10 inside the office I knew it was best to do it now. She acted amazingly well through the whole thing. I was impressed. Now if only I can hope for that much from the baby!
She was very happy to get home and out of the carrier. I can see her beautiful eyes now and she isn't mad at me! Its comforting to know things are better.
I go in for my appointment tomorrow. Another trip to Yokosuka. Yippee. I was having some minor contractions last night, but they finally stopped. A bath has never been so great. Don't worry, I'm taking care of myself. It will be much nicer when Danny is here. I am counting down the days until I hope he can come home.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Budgeting Class

I took the Budget for Baby class offered by the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society tonight. It was alright. I got some good resources, but the class itself wasn't so beneficial. I actually feel guilty about the bag of free stuff I got, most of which I already have.
When I went to the post office before I left, I had about 6 boxes waiting for me. Some of it is Danny's, but I got some things I have ordered. I got the two baby wraps/carriers I wanted and the diaper bag I got on sale. Tracy also sent me a box that had some baby clothes in it from the shower. That means I have more laundry to do. :)
I took the day off to get things done, but I didn't get anything done. Big shocker. It was a hard day, just feeling a little down. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. Honestly I am just tired of being pregnant. It's a little too early yet for her to be born, but I can say there is nothing fun about being pregnant anymore. I am becoming aware again of how much it's messing with my hormones. This last month is gonna be tough. It doesn't help that Danny is gone and I am SO over that too. I told him this morning that sometimes I really hate the Navy. It is time for him to come home 'cause I am tired of dealing with it. I think I handle it pretty well most the time, but when I'm done I'm done. Hopefully it is just two more weeks. I hope Sato can get a clue and give Danny a decent flight back instead of making him wait until September. I may have to kick someone's bum.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Placing my bet

Welcome to a new week!
So far this one has been quite exhausting for me. I haven't been super busy, but do get tired quite easily. Naps are my best friend. Mocha likes them too 'cause she really likes to cuddle with me. Last night I didn't sleep so well (hot & uncomfortable) so I was dragging all morning.
Yesterday afternoon I went down to Yokosuka for the "Labor & You" class. We got a lot of information on basically what to expect during labor. I knew a lot of things in the class already, but did learn some new and useful things. I don't think any amount of classes could prepare me for the big day.
Besides the class, I've just been trying to straighten the house out. I cleaned out the living room closet yesterday and moved a bunch of stuff to our storage shed. I am also trying to clear out general crap. We collect a lot of useless stuff. (Especially Danny!) Right now the guest bedroom is collecting all the extra stuff. Dan and Tracy, I promise it'll be cleaned out before you get here! I have a lot of stuff I just don't know what to do with, like my old computer. I think it'll have to be donated. Not sure that anyone will want to buy it, but I should try one last time. Just gotta post fliers.
Weather here has been a little crazy today. It was overcast and hot this morning. Just after 11 it started to rain and it has on and off nearly the whole day. We had a thundercloud move right over the house. Had to plug my ears a few times. Every now and then I still hear rumbling off in the distance. Don't think I'll be taking my walk tonight.
Oh, I promise to take a belly picture soon. Not exactly wearing my fine clothing today. Got too sweaty earlier.
Thursday night is my Budget 4 Baby class. I get to come home with $100 worth of free stuff. Woohoo.

Oh, and I ALMOST forgot the main reason I started to post. I have been looking back at my first ultrasound and other information and decided to make my own guess on when she'll be born. I am placing my bets on September 12th. In just a few weeks we'll know for sure.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Vet advice

So, I have to make a shameless plug for a website.
No actually I am really happy and am making a recommendation. Mocha has been favoring her eye all week and I kept putting off calling the vet. Yes, an answer would have been free from them but I decided I didn't want to wait any longer and it is already after hours on Friday. So Lori waited too long, thats me. :)
I was trying to find online advice and I came across a website called just answers. I was able to ask a real person (veterinarian) a question and I got an answer in less than 5 minutes. She was really sweet and helpful too. I know sometimes people don't have the time or money to take their animal to the vet, so I just want to put this out there for anyone who has never heard about it. If you're interested you can follow this link (Ask Your Cat Question Now.) or go to the link I will keep in the right side bar.

BTW, she told me to apply a tea bag to the eye for 30 seconds 4 times a day and try to use saline eye drops like people who have contacts use. I'll be trying it out and I'll let you know how it works.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Half Blood Prince Trailer

This was just released and I already can't wait for the movie to come out.

Teaser Trailer: Harry Potter Half Blood Prince Trailer


My 34 week appointment

I JUST got home from my appointment. I'll try to remember the important stuff.
So... She asked me if I was on the list for the stork's nest (their place for women that live outside Yokosuka) and I told her I was. Of course, I don't know yet if I have a spot, but I will know in a few short weeks.
We did the regular check-up procedure. My fundal (uterus) height is 32. It is supposed to match the number of weeks I am, but there is no worries since it is only 2cm off. Baby's heartbeat was in the 140s. Thats good.
She says that I've gained about 28 lbs since I got pregnant and told me I'm doing fine. Just don't pass the 35 lb mark because its harder to take off later. I gained a lot while in the states, but I really don't feel like broadcasting the number all over the internet. If you really wanna know, email me.
The baby is laying head down, which is obviously good. I just hope she stays that way for the next 5.5 weeks. She didn't mention any concerns over premature labor.
Oh, the sad news is that I won't get any more ultrasounds. I was hoping to get a glimpse and how chubby she is getting and have a better idea on her size. I thought they may give me an estimate later on how big she may be at birth.
I mentioned my nasal congestion and she got me a bottle of saline nose spray. Hopefully that will help. Since Danny won't be home for a few more weeks yet, I asked her about what I should do in an emergency. She said that I should call labor & delivery (of course) and although my friends have children, nearly anyone would be willing to help out a pregnant lady. :) The average time of labor for a first child is 27 hours, so I could drive myself down to Yokosuka. A lot of books and websites tell you not to, but she said I should be okay if I needed to. Of course if I have bleeding or my water breaks then I need to call the ambulance in Negishi and they would get me to Yokosuka. That is good to know because I didn't think they would.
We also talked about birth control and all the exciting paperwork we get to do, but I don't need to share those details.

I took some time after my appointment to start picking up all the little things I have left to buy for the baby. I got about halfway through my list. I think I'll have to get a lot of stuff online 'cause they just don't carry it here.
My next appointment will be on August 13th.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Quick update

Everything is going well. Mocha is returning to normal and eating again. I have an appointment tomorrow and will update as soon as I get home. Maybe I'll get another ultrasound...
I am trying to get important baby stuff done still. It always seems like there is a lot left to do. Still keeping time for non-baby stuff too. My poor gardening is recovering. I am finally getting some rain though. Glad I don't have to water tonight. It was sunny and hot. Out of nowhere I started hearing thunder. Now it is stormy and rainy, but I'm good inside in my pjs. :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another year

Happy Birthday Danny!

Wish I could be with you.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's been a whole month?!

Okay, so I know it has been a while since I updated. Most everybody who reads this saw me while I was in the states, so I just didn't write anything. The longer I don't update, the more I dread it.
I've been home since Wednesday night (my time) and not doing a whole lot around here. Today is the first day I didn't leave the house, but it's so hot outside I don't want to. Didn't even check the mail.
Right now my brain is gearing up for the final stretch. I am getting the nursery decorated and figuring out what I have left to do. The car seat arrived on the 17th and is sitting in the living room waiting for Danny to get home and install it. I am perfectly capable of doing it (it isn't as heavy as I thought it would be), but he wants me to let him.
Everything pregnancy related is going perfectly normal. I am excited for my appointment on Wednesday. I know I have no reason to worry, but I have to think a little about the fact that Danny won't be home for another month and I'm due in 6 weeks. If I went into labor, I have no idea what I'd do.
Anyway, I'm sure everyone will worry about me being here alone, so I'll try to update as much as possible. My neighbors are in DC, but their friend is staying in the house so there is someone around if I need anything.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Getting out of Narita

It is 4pm here and I've been at the airport for a while. When I checked in they said the flight may be delayed because they were waiting for the arrival of the airplane. It looks now that it was only pushed back 25 minutes and hopefully we'll make up the time in flight.
The best news so far is that I got an isle seat! I am really happy. Now I don't have to climb over a sleeping person next to me and I won't be squished between two people. It was so easy, all I had to do was ask at the counter and it took less than two seconds to print out. Fantastic! I'm prepared with extra water and a movie on my iPod. I didn't ask them if I could load with parents with children 'cause the less time I can be on the plane the better. I hope things work this well on the way back to Japan, but I'm trying not to worry about that right now.
Well, I love you all and I'll see you soon.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Getting Ready

Things are getting done around the house and I'll be ready to leave tomorrow morning. Nothing exciting there, just wanted to let you know that things are going as planned and I shouldn't have any problems tomorrow. I'm gonna grab the bus around 11:30 tomorrow morning. Gotta give myself enough time to get to the airport.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Be aware :)

Before I arrive in Bremerton, I wanted everyone to know that I am a fruit fanatic. Or at least I am going through a phase right now. Last night I ate a whole (yet very small) cantaloupe. Tonight I've finished off almost a whole bag of cherries. I've ate a banana almost every morning for the past month or two. Things here are very seasonal. I tried to find strawberries a few weeks ago... no luck.
So anyway, just know that if you offer good fruit to me, I will eat it! (Guess thats a lot better than being addicted to ice cream, right? Not that I would turn that down either. hehe)

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A little funny something

Start your weekend with a laugh.

Old Love Poem

If you love something
Set it free.
If it comes back, it was and
Always will be yours.
If it never returns, it was
Never yours to begin with.
If it just sits in your living room
Messes up your stuff,
Eats your food,
Uses your telephone,
Takes your money, and
Never appears that
You actually set it free in
The first place
You either married it
Or gave it birth!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Flight information

Here is the latest on my flight. I got it all paid for and scheduled today. Here is a link to my itinerary.
Oh, and I'm not bringing Mocha. They wanted to charge me an extra $130 each way. I love her, but her adoption fee wasn't even that much and I'll pay a lot less with my cat sitter. Sorry kitty.
It's late and I'm tired, but if there was anything I forgot you want to know, just say so.

Latest flight update

I found a flight for the 26th of June. I was almost able to leave on the 20th, but it got booked while I was on the phone with the travel agent. Bummer. So I go down to Yokosuka today to pay for it. Once I get the final details I'll pass them on to everyone. I'll be leaving Seattle on the 22nd of July. Just wanted to make sure I was back here well before my 35th week in the terrible case that our girly wants to make an early appearance. Hopefully not. I am constantly telling her to stay in there. :) Especially with as high as my stress levels have been; I don't want to force myself into early labor. Of course, you all know how much I hate flying.
So, update likely to come sometime tonight.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


I am here at the passenger terminal in Yokota. I've marked myself as available and I'll know if I get on the flight in about 10 minutes. When I know I'll write and I'll be calling the Snyder place. :)
I'm gonna pull my hair out. It's been a long day...

UPDATE: No more available for now. Still waiting with the small amount of hope I have left. There were 17 seats available and about 40 people on the list. I'm probably at the bottom.

UPDATE #2: Didn't get on the flight. Trying for the soonest possible flight. Looks like I got one for June 20th to July 22nd.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Flight to Seattle

Nearly everything is ready for me to leave tomorrow. Most things are straightened out here. I just need to finish packing my bag. Since I don't intent on bringing too many things it is the least of my worries. I'll be at the terminal by noon tomorrow and should know around one or 1:30 if I get on. I will be making lots of calls to let people know if I make it on or not. I'll have to call my house and cat sitters and other people to make sure everything is okay. I have very little hope I'll make it, but I clearly have to try.
I went to the travel agency today and they quoted a round trip flight for me at $890. I'd rather not pay that if I don't have to. It's more than I want to pay, but still considerably cheaper than anything else I'd find.
Alright, did I forget anything else?

To Danny

I am taking advantage of my chance on the blog to say Happy 2nd Anniversary to Danny!
We had a wonderful dinner on friday and exchanged cards and gifts. He was really sweet and made Tonkatsu (a Japanese food - the only thing he knows how to make) and I made angelfood cake, which I know is one of his favorite.

So, I just wanna say my husband is a sweetie and I love and miss him very, very much.


Today is going to be a really busy day for me. I have so much to do before I go!
I'm going to a friends house to buy her awesome stroller for $45 and look at her maternity jeans. I only have one pair that fit and I love jeans. I also have to talk to this college student who lives her and see if she is interested in taking care of Mocha. Yes, I know it's last minute. There is more to do here too.
When I go to Yokosuka I have a doctor's appointment and tons of things to do there. I have to pay my phone and internet bill as well as get the service suspended until I return. Also, I'm gonna go to IACE, the Japanese travel agency on base. I've seen some really good prices online and want to talk to them about that. If I don't get on the flight from Yokota (and I don't have much hope) then that may be the way I go. I am also considering taking Mocha with me if this girl can't catsit. If so, I will take Mocha as a carry on.
Back at home I have to finish laundry, pick up the house and make sure I have everything to go to Yokota tomorrow morning.
Yikes, sounds like a busy day, but I have a list. Hopefully I won't forget anything
As you all know, Danny is in Virginia. It is very lonely and quiet around here but he has been in contact with me. With all that is going on and my stress level it has been really nice just to hear his voice. Kana came to Yokohama yesterday so I had company and a chance to get out of the house. We didn't do anything exciting, just had lunch at the house and drove to Yokohama and walked around a shopping mall. Also sat and enjoyed coffee and conversation. Thank you for coming to visit me Kana! I hope I get to see you again in August.
In terms of the baby... We didn't tell you, but we agreed on a first name. No, we won't tell you and I won't slip when I'm in the states. She is very active and I can feel her rolling around, usually in the morning and evening. I was hoping Kana would be able to feel her, but she didn't start moving like crazy until I went to bed. Danny got to feel her and commented that she kicked really hard. Just wait until when he feels her in August!
Of course I will update you all after my appointment. As always I have many questions to ask her. I am hoping to beg for an ultrasound too. :)

Friday, June 13, 2008

Well crap...

I just called Yokota to verify that my name was on the space available list. Of course it was not. Why am I not surprised? They said that my chances of getting on the flight are slim to none. Great. What now?

Monday, June 09, 2008

Don't know...

I am not sure if this will all work out, but I wanted to let you know that things are getting complicated around here. I am on the list to fly space available (and I am on the very bottom of that list) from Yokota to Seattle on June 18th. Obviously there are no guarantees with that. I just have to wait and see if there is a seat available for me.
I just read an article from Stars and Stripes yesterday that said in July and August, the flights back to Japan will only be leaving once every two weeks instead of once a week. This means that everybody from two flights will be condensed down into one and there will be less space available seats.
My midwife said I need to be home by 35 weeks as that is the cutoff date for pregnant women and international flights. That means I need to be home before Aug. 1. If I don't get on the plane back to Japan, the baby will have to be born in the states, which is not what I want.
On top of all this, my potential cat sitter is going back to the states early and my neighbors (who usually watch Mocha) are preparing to move back to Washington D.C. this summer. I don't know how much longer they'll be around or if they'll be willing to watch her. This really is a minor thing though.
Basically what this means is that I don't know whether or not I'll make it back. I certainly don't have the money to fly back, especially because Danny and I are buying me a bigger car. Its only $1800, but that just leaves me with less than I had before.
Anyway, I just wanted to give a heads up. I know that everyone has been planning for me to come back, but this whole space available, can't make definite plans thing is really starting to stress me out. Danny and I still have to talk about and he is suggesting that I get a refundable ticket, but I am just not seeing right now how it will work out.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Hey, I know its been quiet around here. I'm surprised that no one has harassed me to update. I am not sure how much there has been to say.
Most of the reason it has been quiet is because Danny has been home. The ship flew him from Thailand and I went to Narita to pick him up on the 25th. He has been working half days and is almost always home when I get off work. That is distracting and doesn't leave me much time to do anything else, like write on the blog.
I've been working at the school for the last 6 weeks or so. The nurse moved back to the states (Bremerton actually) and I was working while they hired a replacement. She was hired last Monday, but the principal has wanted me there to help her out. I am starting to get tired of it and need a day off!
The third trimester starts for me on Sunday. I can tell that my energy level is decreasing again. I was really enjoying the second trimester, but all good things have to come to an end. The baby is still growing well. She has found lots of fun, uncomfortable places to kick me. My next appointment isn't until the 17th (our second anniversary) and I am going to ask my midwife to do an ultrasound. I haven't seen her for a long time.
Yesterday I went down to Yokosuka to do my glucose test. I was there at 8:30 and they gave me a really sweet drink. It tasted like concentrated Hi-C. :P An hour later they took three little viles of blood. I wasn't allowed to eat during that hour although I was allowed to eat breakfast in the morning. I got terrible heartburn while I was waiting, but couldn't take anything because I didn't want to mess up my test results. If I fail this one, I have to go back for a 3-hour test. I am really hopeful I don't have to do that. I will probably find out my results at my appointment.
There may be more updates later, but I'll make another post sometime.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

6 month appointment

My appointment went well today. My uterus is measuring on schedule and the baby's heartbeat was in the 140s or 150s. Luckily I've finally gained some weight.
She approved me to travel back to the states. I will see her one more time before I leave and she'll give me a letter to show the airline if I need it. International travel is approved until 35 weeks so I can still leave to come home on the 31st of July like I planned.
In two weeks I'll have my glucose test. They usually do it at 28 weeks, but the midwife wants to have my results before I leave.
Anyway, everything is going fine and I'm taking care of myself.
As always, I'm sure I forgot something and I can add it later.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Childbirth song

Saw this video on YouTube and had to share it. Anyone who is pregnant or ever had kids will find it funny.

Childbirth Song
If you need the lyrics, just click "more info" to the right of the added date.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Health Update

I've been going through a lot of stuff trying to renew my overseas screening. I know I'm already overseas, but the Navy is requiring that I do everything all over again because Danny extended. Dumb, but what can I do? Yesterday I had a quick screening at dental. There wasn't much they could do because I can't have x-rays, but I gave them the old ones from my last screening. He signed off on it and had me schedule a cleaning for next week. Woohoo.
I went into the clinic this morning and got my PPD skin test done. I go back in on Friday to have it read and to have the doctor sign off on my medical portion. Tuesday I'll turn all the paperwork in and I should be done.
So Tuesday I have a dentist appointment at 1 and an appointment with my midwife at 2:20. I'm starting to think I should just live at the hospital.
When I was down there yesterday I got a tour of Labor and Delivery. A nurse showed me the rooms and answered some of my questions. All in all, the facility is pretty nice. Just like you'd expect a maternity ward to be. Curiosity got the better of me so I had to see what to expect. I'd say the best part is that the babies stay in the room with mom, instead of in an actual nursery.

So, as far as my health goes... I am doing well. I'm gaining a few pounds, but pregnancy is starting to take its toll. I walk like a pregnant woman because my back muscles hurt (called PGP) and I get uncomfortable sitting still for more than a few minutes no matter what position I'm sitting in. Night time is completely unbearable. Its hard to sleep because I wake up every time I move from pain. Plus sometimes I have to get up at 3 am to use the bathroom. Not much else to say... I'm never full. Its unbelievable how much I can eat; sometimes two of every meal. As far as the rest of me goes, I'll spare you the details!

Monday, May 12, 2008

The latest update

I'm passing on my latest update from the ship.

Mustin Families~

Good afternoon, as you may have already read in the news there have been talks of the U.S. Ships offering assistance to the Burmese people in their hour of need. The USS Mustin is operating with the ESSEX Expeditionary Strike Group in support of the possible humanitarian relief efforts for BURMA.

I have attached the newsletter forwarded from our XO, as you know they are great about getting us any releasable updates and I will forward as soon as they come in.

If you have any questions please feel free to ask~



Marines, Sailors Prepare for Possible Operations in Burma

By Marine Lance Cpl. Ryan Wicks
Special to American Forces Press Service

ABOARD USS ESSEX, At Sea , May 11, 2008 – Marines and sailors with the Essex Amphibious Readiness Group are preparing for possible humanitarian assistance operations to aid cyclone-stricken Burma.

The Essex Amphibious Ready Group, along with 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, is steaming to support potential humanitarian-assistance operations in the wake of Cyclone Nargis, which struck Burma May 1 and 2. Some estimates have put the death toll at more than 100,000. So far, the Burmese military government has allowed only one U.S. shipment of relief supplies.

“This is what we are here for,” Navy Chief Petty Officer Andres Carillo, of the USS Essex, said. “It’s our mission to help those in need.”

The amphibious readiness group includes the forward-deployed amphibious ships USS Essex, USS Juneau, USS Harpers Ferry and USS Mustin. Theservicemembers are working to fill more than 14,000 5-gallon plastic water bladders with fresh water. In the event of humanitarian operations, the water could be loaded onto landing craft and helicopters to be distributed to those affected by the cyclone.

“We are capitalizing on the excess water the ship has to support the victims who need it,” said Marine Capt. Ray Howard, embark officer for 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit. “We want to be able have the water distributed by the quickest means possible and be on call for help so that when within reach we can send the water via helicopter and boat to the disaster areas.”

The process of filling up the bladders requires a great deal of manpower and hard work, Carillo said.

Marines and sailors set up shop before filling the water bladders. The Essex’s Repair Division manufactured a fresh water distribution system that mirrored a miniature farming irrigation system. Afterward,both Marines and sailors prepared large boxes to store the water bladders for transport. During the filling process, they check the pipes of the water distribution system to ensure no leakage occurs.

After each bag is filled, Marines and sailors pack the clear plastic water bladders into the boxes.

“It’s great to see the Marines and sailors working together to accomplish the mission,” Howard said. “It’s a great show of joint-service camaraderie.”

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ever have a day like this?

I could help but laugh. And then share.

Friday, May 09, 2008


I am sure all of you have heard the news from Myanmar. Here is the most recent update I have. I wasn't at all surprised to get similar news from Danny this morning. Although I'm still not sure how I feel about them putting the actual names of the ships all over the media, at least not until they were already there or already left.

US ships head for Myanmar as officials decry delay
Thu May 08 21:04:14 UTC 2008

By David Morgan

WASHINGTON, May 8 (Reuters) - Four U.S. Navy ships steamed toward cyclone-stricken Myanmar on Thursday as the Bush administration stepped up pressure on the country's military junta to open the door to outside humanitarian assistance.

Navy helicopters and Air Force cargo planes loaded with supplies and personnel also began arriving in nearby Thailand, where U.S. officials established a staging point for possible humanitarian operations.

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice phoned her Chinese counterpart to ask Beijing to persuade Myanmar to accept international aid for an estimated 1.5 million people believed to be severely affected by the Cyclone Nargis disaster. The storm is feared to have killed 100,000 people in the country.

The U.S. government believes existing stocks of relief supplies in Myanmar might be enough for about 10,000 people.

In New York, U.S. envoy to the United Nations Zalmay Khalilzad said Washington was "outraged" by the Myanmar government's delays in allowing relief workers and aid shipments.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates also spoke out forcefully, saying the Pentagon was preparing the same kind of assistance it provided after other disasters in the region, including the 2004 Asian tsunami and the 2005 Pakistan earthquake.

"There is an opportunity here to save a lot of lives and we are fully prepared to help and to help right away, and it would be a tragedy if these assets -- if people didn't take advantage of them," Gates told reporters at a Pentagon briefing.

The United States and Myanmar have long been estranged. President George W. Bush imposed a new round of sanctions on the country's military leaders just last week to pressure them on human rights and political reform.


Gates rejected a suggestion that suspicions among Myanmar's leaders about U.S. military intentions could help explain their reluctance to accept outside help.

"I'd be surprised if they misinterpreted our intentions that badly," he said. "Our interest here is totally nonpolitical."

Gates said the Bush administration is determined to see aid reach disaster sufferers and might accept another country as an intermediary if direct assistance proved unfeasible.

"My belief would be that if we cannot get in directly, that we would be prepared to work creatively with others in any way we could to help. And if that involves using an intermediary, perhaps we would do that," he said.

In the meantime, the Pentagon moved aircraft and ships toward Myanmar to be ready should aid be allowed to commence.

Four ships, including the destroyer USS Mustin and the three-vessel Essex Expeditionary Strike Force, began heading for the Myanmar coast from the Gulf of Thailand after deploying helicopters into Thailand for possible relief work.

Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the ships, which carry 1,800 U.S. Marines, would be off the Myanmar coast in roughly five days.

Mullen emphasized that the U.S. military would not undertake humanitarian operations without Yangon's permission.

"It's sovereign air space and you'd need their permission to fly in that air space," Mullen said.

Two Air Force C-130 Hercules cargo planes arrived at a staging point near Utaphao in southern Thailand on Thursday with 46 military personnel who were ready to establish an airstrip inside Myanmar for relief airlift if Yangon gave its permission. A third C-130 was expected.

A C-17 Globemaster cargo plane laden with water purification systems and U.S. military meals-ready-to-eat also landed at the same location. (Additional reporting by Sue Pleming and Susan Cornwell in Washington and Louis Charbonneau in New York, editing by David Alexander)