Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Quick update

Everything is going well. Mocha is returning to normal and eating again. I have an appointment tomorrow and will update as soon as I get home. Maybe I'll get another ultrasound...
I am trying to get important baby stuff done still. It always seems like there is a lot left to do. Still keeping time for non-baby stuff too. My poor gardening is recovering. I am finally getting some rain though. Glad I don't have to water tonight. It was sunny and hot. Out of nowhere I started hearing thunder. Now it is stormy and rainy, but I'm good inside in my pjs. :)


  1. So what important baby stuff do you have left to do? Dang it, I so wish we were closer to help! It's so frustrating... At least you know we're with you in spirit. Unfortunately for now that's the best we can do.

    Hope the appointment went/goes well. We'll be waiting to hear! :-) Mom/Dad; Dan/Tracy

  2. But do you have a good book? Probably a baby book.
    I agree with Tracy, wish we were closer to help with all the last minute little things. I understand you do have a list....I told you so.

    Can't wait to hear what the midwife tells you today.
    I sure bet your weight has changed.

