Sunday, September 30, 2007

New cat toy

Danny and I went to Tokyu Hands (a shopping store) in Yokohama last night and I found this awesome cat toy for 4500 yen. It is basically just a laser and a mirror. It rotates the laser beam in circle and you shine it on the wall or floor for your cat.
Mocha goes slightly crazy over it. I took a very short video that had Danny and I laughing hysterically.

I've posted the longer video on Myspace and it is public. More info later.
Also, here are some great pics.
Okay, nevermind. The pictures won't load. Look for them later.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

We need some advice

Danny and I have had a discussion and I think we decided to wait a while and talk again about when we want to have children. Yes, sometimes I let my emotions get away from me, but I am under control now and I know there is no reason to worry so much or rush anything. We've agreed we want children, but I am just not sure now is the right time.
Anyway, in the mean time I've come up with a pretty good idea. My thought is to have some sort of interest accruing account that we can put a small amount of money in every month or payday to save money for baby things we'll need in the future. Since we don't a large amount of money to put into an account right now and eventually we'll want to be able to take money out of it whenever we need it without being penalized by the bank, I've been doing research on the kind of account we should have and interest rates at different banks.
My knowledge of "banking services" is limited and I would like to know what everyone thinks we should do. I know you all know more about this than we do!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Big favor

I have a huge favor to ask. Will someone please buy me a few packages of the intuition shaver heads?! They come in a medium sized box, four of each in a box I think. They have the large white soap bar around the outside of the razor. I have been unable to find them here in the last few months.
If someone is able to do this, please let me know.

Monday, September 24, 2007

It may get quiet again

Yes everyone, Danny is home.
Also, I went to Kamakura saturday to see the big Buddah. I'll post pictures soon.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Some Misc. Things

I got a quote from the autoport yesterday. They said the bracket would be $30, but the labor is $45. I decided to just have them do an oil change while they were at it. I am trying to get as much as I can for my money. When we can afford it, the car will get new tires. Since we'll be in Rhode Island for the month, I am not worried about the car and need to save the money for our trip.

I overheard two girls talking in the gym last night. I don't feel bad about "evesdropping" because I could hear them over my music. Anyway, they were talking about a friend who is having a baby. It sounded like all these girls were enlisted wives and were about 20 or 21. One girl thought the friend was crazy because she wanted to have a baby. She said she was so young and didn't want to rush into anything. It just got me thinking (not that I wasn't already). When we do actually make a decision about this, are we gonna make the right one?
Sorry, I know we've talked about this before, but I just can't let it go. I think I am happy with letting it go until the subject comes up again then it drives me crazy.
I have a lot personal feelings about this, but I am not comfortable broadcasting them across the internet!

Okay, its a short day at work then I'm driving to Yokosuka again. Hopefully the car stays in one piece.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

OK- yesterday

So, I've been working at the school this week and I will be here next week as well. I had to take yesterday off (and they hired a sub for the sub!) so I could go teach my class in Yokohama. I got up at 7:30 even though my body is now used to getting up at 6:30 and I had to leave for the bus by 8:50. It takes a long time to get to Yokohama, but I got there at 9:40 or so. I went to Starbucks, got a small coffee and went to wait until the classroom was open.
I was at class until noon. Then I got a train back to Negishi and a taxi to the gate because I had to drive down to Yokosuka. I was home by 12:30 and had plans at 1:30 to meet a woman (Barbara Grobler) who used to work at Silverdale Elementary and knew G.G. Snyder and Mrs. Lougheed. Luckily, I told her that I would probably be a few minutes late.
About halfway to Yokosuka, the car started making a strange sound when I would accelerate from a stop or go over a bump. There are not many places to stop, so I had to drive for another 20 minutes or so before I pulled into a convienence store parking lot. It was then that I discovered that the metal strap that holds the muffler up had busted, so it was hitting the ground while I drove. I prayed the rest of the way that it wouldn't fall off. It is easier to replace the strap than the whole muffler!
I met Barbara about 10 minutes late and we talked for about an hour and a half. She invited me to visit her house after Danny comes home and befor ewe leave for Rhode Island.
My plans were to go to the commissary, but I had to take care of the car first. So, I drove across base and had someone from the autoport look at it. They put a temporary strap on and requested an estimate for the replacement. Now that I think of it, I should have just asked them to order it. No matter how much it is (and I hope it shouldn't be much) we need it. I am sure there are other things that car needs. I don't want a repeat of the Skyline, so we need to take care of this one.
I finally made it to the commissary and got home by5:30. I inhaled a frozen dinner and got ready for my aerobics class. Even after I got home I still had a hard time relaxing. Now that I am at work and still have 1.5 hours before my lunch break, I wish I could just go home. Luckily, today is early release at 1:40 and tomorrow we're out at 11:00 for teacher training. I always get to go home when the kids go home. Hurray!
On the plus side, sitting in the office allows me lots of time to work on my scarf. I just finished the first foot of it. Only about 4 more feet to go (at least). Wow, I hope I have that much yarn.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


I have been going non-stop since 7:30 this morning and I am tired! I still have to go to aerobics class.
Anyway, I'll tell you more about my day later. Maybe I'll write tomorrow at work. When I get home again tonight I'll just want to watch tv and knit. My new scarf is coming along nicely.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Very funny

As a knitter, I find this picture hilarious. Yes, I know he is crocheting.

Customer Service

I just had to make a quick post to say that I am amazed by Old Navy's customer service. I got my package in the mail today and the regular jeans were too long, so I called to set up an exchange. Not only were they open at midnight (in California) but I had the nicest customer service rep. She was probably around my age and actually had a personality! She told me about her experience with the jeans and even asked me where we were stationed. I was really impressed.
I know most of you don't shop there, but I had to put this on the internet to let people know that I had a good experience. Too many times all we hear is complaints, but I want people to know that if you ever call 1-800-Old-Navy, you may talk to some really nice people.


I went to the Japanese Costco a few weeks ago and I just remembered that I forgot to write about it.
It really wasn't too much different from the American Costco, but still an interesting experiance. Because there is so little space in Japan, the parking is on top of the building. You get your cart (which I have to mention was HUGE and Japanese supermarkets rarely have full-sized carts anyway) up there and then use the automatic ramp to go down. The ramp is magnatized or something; anyway, the cart is imobilized when you put it on the ramp. Pretty neat feature. When I went in the store I really was happy to see all the American things. They still had the people at the end of the aisle giving away free food. Most of the people still spoke English too.
Amy bought the Kirkland Signature muffins and gave me some. Yum! I bought an interesting mixture of Japanese and American foods.
So, I guess there was nothing really amazing about it, but it was odd for me to see it in Japan. I can't wait until Amy invites me to go again!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Knitting help

I found this website sometime ago and think its so wonderful that I wanted to share it with anyone who knits.
It has lots of great videos. I am using to learn to knit 1 away. They make it look so easy I really think I can do it. I haven't touched my knitting in a few weeks because I got frustrated with the thing I was working on, but now I need to get working so I have things to keep me warm in Rhode Island!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Danny to SWOS

To those who haven't heard, it has been confirmed that Danny will be starting school in Rhode Island on October 29th (yes, my birthday). We will be there for three weeks.
I have no more details than that. He is trying to get leave after school, but I don't know anything about that either. Ideally, I think we'd be in Rhode Island until November 16th and then fly to Seattle for two weeks; leaving for Japan around November 30th or December 1st.
I promise to share more details when I get them.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

What happens to people who work too much

I am not surprised to hear this. Its what happens to people to work or worry too much. It seems to happen to Japanese people WAY too much. Many of my students get sick at what I think are the strangest times of the year purely from exhaustion. Its sad really. Many times they think they have to work until they make themselves sick. They should take a tip from the Spanish who take siestas in the middle of the day and get the most vacation time of any country in the world (if I remember correctly).

Japanese PM Shinzo Abe Hospitalized From Exhaustion

Thursday , September 13, 2007


Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was hospitalized for stress and exhaustion Thursday, a day after announcing his resignation, as his party scrambled to find a replacement amid growing calls for a general election.

Abe, 52, was to remain hospitalized for at least three or four days, his doctors said, leaving the care of his scandal-scarred government with his top deputy, Chief Cabinet Secretary Kaoru Yosano.

"He is suffering from extreme exhaustion," said Dr. Toshifumi Hibi at Keio University Hospital. "He has lost weight. Symptoms include abdominal pain, digestion problems and lack of appetite."

Abe, 52, surprised members of his party and even his own Cabinet on Wednesday by deciding to resign only days after he pledged to stake his government on the success of legislation to extend a naval mission providing fuel for coalition warships in the Indian Ocean.

The nationalist Abe, whose government was severely damaged by a string of scandals and his party's loss of control of the upper house of parliament in July elections, said someone more politically viable should shepherd the Afghan measure that the opposition is trying to scuttle.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Kaoru Yosano had said medical problems contributed to Abe's decision. He said Abe had been receiving regular checkups from his personal doctor since returning from a regional summit in Australia earlier this week, but refused to reveal further details.

Abe's resignation, meanwhile, left the troubled ruling Liberal Democratic Party to scramble for a replacement amid growing calls for a general election to give voters a role in choosing the new government.

The front-runner to replace Abe, former foreign minister and fellow conservative Taro Aso, was expected to announce his candidacy later Thursday. Kyodo News reported the Liberal Democratic Party would decide the election schedule on Thursday and campaigning could start as soon as Friday.

Abe's popular predecessor, Junichiro Koizumi, reportedly refused supporters' plea to join the race. But Finance Minister Fukushiro Nukaga, who served as defense minister under Koizumi, said he wanted to run.

Calls for a snap election for the powerful lower house of parliament, which chooses the prime minister, gathered steam Thursday amid the confusion. The opposition took control of the upper house of parliament in elections on July 29, capitalizing on the unpopularity of Abe's scandal-scarred government.

"With the LDP government thrown into this much confusion, the voters should be asked in the proper fashion who their choice for leader is in a general election," the national Asahi newspaper said in an editorial. "That is the only way to bring back politics based on the people's trust."

Abe made no mention of his medical problems when announcing his resignation. But his vague reasons for leaving — that he felt a new leader was needed to unite the ruling and opposition parties — and the awkward timing fueled speculation he was forced out by the LDP leadership and suffered from health troubles.

Abe, whose support ratings in opinion polls had sagged to about 30 percent, has not yet announced a date for his departure.

When he steps down, Abe will leave behind a government known for scandals and gaffes. He is also leaving amid a political brawl over the country's aid to U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan.

Four of Abe's Cabinet ministers have resigned in scandals, including one who quit this month just a week after being appointed. An agriculture minister committed suicide over a money scandal in May.

The Liberal Democratic Party said it would use a streamlined election process to choose his successor as party president, reportedly on Sept. 19. The party leader is guaranteed election as prime minister because the party controls parliament's lower house.

The leadership change came as the government opened its battle in parliament over the Indian Ocean naval mission, which the opposition has vowed to defeat.

Japan's navy has been providing fuel for coalition forces in Afghanistan since November 2001 under an anti-terrorism law that has already been extended three times. The legislation is a key issue before the special parliament session that opened Monday.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

All Done...

Well, I had my OOD Board tonight. All in all, it went well. I did pass, though the CO had some look-ups for me before he'll sign my letter. What that means is before I can stand the watch, there were a few things I have to look-up and solidify my knowledge prior to being actually qualified. What everyone told me was that they were confident in my knowledge, just that I was nervous, so it didn't come out. Regardless, I should have my letter here in another day or so.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Mocha and Lori

We are both a bit under the weather today. No, I am not sick, just tired. Spent part of my evening sleeping in the couch. I'm better now, but I am dreading planning tomorrow's lesson. I have to meet with my difficult student again.
This week is my week to relax. I got a call yesterday asking me to work at the school for two weeks starting next Monday. I guess it won't be so bad, but I do enjoy being home more than sitting at school all day doing nothing and attempting to make myself look competent.
Mocha had her annual vaccinations this morning. One rabies and another multi something. She isn't having any allergic reactions, but I think she was a bit traumatized by being in a box for a few hours and forced to lay on a cold table while a stranger stuck needles in her. I would be too! Luckily, I took the opportunity of being in Yokosuka to buy her a real cat carrier. I was still using the cardboard box PAWS gave us.
Speaking of PAWS, as if I am not busy enough... the support group for the ship is trying to put together a training session for some interested spouses. Last time I spoke to the coordinator she said I was the only one interested, but they were still gonna do it. Since we'll be in the states for a while I'm not sure if it will work out. When I tell people all the things I do I sound really busy, but I have loads of free time. I have 15 private students (but I don't meet with them all right now), I just started teaching a class in Yokohama two Wednesdays a month, I substitute at the Elementary school, I volunteer at the church, I attend bible study on Thursday night, and I love my new weekly aerobics class. Unfortunately my knee has started hurting again, so that makes things a bit difficult. I am going tomorrow morning, but I'll have to take it easy.
The important thing is that I am doing all this while Danny is gone. I am not sure how it is going to work out once he is home. He'll just have to deal. He'll get me entirely while he is in school though, since it will be impossible for me to do normal things. It comes with mixed feelings. I've started thinking "what in the world am I gonna do while he is in class?" I'll have to find a way to get out and do things without doing too much without him. Hmm.... Any suggestions?
Okay, I've yapped enough. Write to me. I am lonely and getting very impatient waiting for Danny to come home again. Since that one day in August doesn't really count, I don't feel like I've seen him since the middle of July. Its been a long two months.
I think I'm gonna go watch a movie now and eat some carrots and peanut butter (thanks to Amy for getting me hooked on that). Tomorrow I may go to her house and play Wii. I don't have a lesson until 7:05.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Symbols episode #22

Here is a link to the television show I was on. This page is badly translated into English courtesy of Google. There are stills from the show, but no pictures of me. I did get to discuss the bad English on the bags and it was fun.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

My premiere on tv!

I want to let everyone know that today at 3pm on TV Tokyo, I will be on. Kana will be recording it on tape. If you still have a VCR, please don't get rid of it until you see the tape! Danny and I will have to find someone who has one so we can watch it.
I have a lesson from 2:30 to 3:30 today and I can't decide if I should watch it with my student or wait until Danny gets to watch it. That may be a while because we don't see Kana very often.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

New feature

I know many of you check the blog everyday and I don't post very often, so I have added a new feature. If you look to the right of the posts, under the list of previous posts, there is a new option to subscribe to the blog. This will let you receive new posts in your email.
I've set it up so that you will get the email between 9 and 11 pm Japan time, so that is in the morning pacific time. This subscription option is probably best for people who don't check everyday or forget. The rest of you will probably go to the website and check for posts even if you don't get an email! :) I haven't subscribed yet, but I think I'll go try it out.
Also, I want to mention that you can subscribe to comments on the comments page. I haven't tried this either, but one of you can be the guinea pig.
Lastly, don't ignore the other two posts I made today.

Super gross

I randomly decided to clean the sheets on the guest bed today. No one is staying here, but I hadn't washed them since Ryen left in January. Thats not weird; why should I wash them if no one is sleeping on them? Anyway, there was something on the bed, but I ignored it. I just wrapped up the quilt and threw it on the floor. I took it and the sheets down stairs and put the sheets in the washing machine. After they were done, I put the quilt in. I started the washing machine and looked on the floor and there was a dead cockroach on the floor.
I am convinced that Mocha found one and thought "Ooh toy! Why don't I take it upstairs and play with it on the bed no one sleeps on - then I will hide it and save it for later!" I am pretty sure the cockroach didn't come up with the idea of hiding in the bed on its own. I'm not sure exactly where in the bed it was, but it really doesn't matter. Cockroaches don't belong in beds.
There are traps all over the house. I found one non-moving but very alive one in the office closet last week. Now I am shuddering and trying not to freak out. Ew, ew, ew, ew, EW!

When people love their cats too much

Yes, you CAN love your cat too much...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Update on typhoon

Here is the most recent update I've received. The ship's ombudsman has been sending the updates out everytime there is a change.

Commander US Naval Forces Japan has directed all
Commands and Activities in the Yokosuka and Yokohama
areas to set Tropical Cyclone Condition of
Readiness I Emergency (TCCOR I E) effective 06 Sept
at 2000 (8pm) Please send this out to your

families. I will update you when I receive more

This one is the highest it will go before an all-clear is called tomorrow morning. For more information, go to the Yokosuka website ( The worst should be at about 3 am, but I am going to bed. You all can check the progress and call me if Japan slides into the sea. Can't promise I'll answer the phone. :)

By the way, our location is just northwest of the intersection of 35N and 140E.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Typhoon Fitow

Don't worry: I am prepared.
....kinda like a boyscout. :)

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

OOD Board

So, I found out today that I will be (most likely) taking my Officer of the Deck Board on the 12th of this month! This is big, because it's my last (and biggest) qualification that I can get prior to my SWO qual. As my CO put it, he will not qualify anyone OOD that he won't also qualify SWO. Anyway, it basically means that I will be in charge of the safe navigation of the ship while we're underway. Wish me luck!

Sunday, September 02, 2007

I have to take a moment to say...

Everyone around me is having babies and it is driving me crazy!!!
Don't worry, its not happening for us anytime soon, but I can't help the way I feel. I am getting very jealous and almost upset. The feelings are really complex and if you've ever felt it you'll understand what I am saying.
The only thing I can do is ignore the mention of babies in any way and that is impossible!

Yup, I am going crazy (not that i wasn't already...)

Saturday, September 01, 2007


Sorry I haven't written. There isn't much going on right now, but I am still here!