Tuesday, September 30, 2008

2 week well-baby check

Melanie had her 2 week appointment today. I'll make this quick as she is sleeping and I should probably be doing something (or sleeping).
She weights 2.813kg (6lbs 2 oz) now. Her measurements put her in a low percentile, but that doesn't concern me. I have some special diaper cream for her diaper rash. I had a lot of issues with the hospital getting it and spent a lot of time there waiting.
The clinic gave me a questionnaire about my mental health and the pediatrician was a little concerned. Yesterday was really hard for me with Danny being gone, but I don't have time to wait and see if I adjust or things get better. I have an appointment with the family practice doctor here in Negishi tomorrow morning.
She has been really good today. There was a lot of waiting and sitting in her stroller, but she didn't fuss much.
I'll keep everyone updated after my appointment tomorrow.

Monday, September 29, 2008


I did check with the Exchange last week. Sorry it took so long to post this. Anyway, they said that you can go to any flower shop in the states and they can send the flower order to the Exchange in Yokosuka. Just make sure they have our house address (551-A Racetrack Road Negishi Heights). If you have any problems, please let me know. I'll talk to the flower shop again.

Sunday, September 28, 2008


We have already taken 100s of pictures of baby girl, so I am just posting the link to my photobucket album. You can go there and check them out.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Family Photos

Tracy took a few pics of us the other day and I wanted to post a few for your viewing pleasure. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008

The First Appointment

Melanie had her first appointment with the pediatrician today. The little stinker exploded her diaper just before we removed her clothes to weigh her. She got it all over her outfit. Luckily Mommy was prepared with a onesie in the diaper bag!
Her weight has gone up a bit and her jaundice is all but gone. When we left the hospital the level was just below borderline (for being over 72 hours old) at 14 and today it was only 4! She is doing really well.
I wanted to wait until she was at least 3 weeks old before giving her a pacifier. Last night she cried from midnight to 3 and zonked out the minute we gave it to her. Hardly even woke up at 7 so I could feed her. She was in bed until 10 when Danny got her up and took her downstairs. We also started her on a bottle today. I'm gonna keep trying to breastfeed, but she just isn't getting enough to eat that way. I am pumping though. We bought formula today for emergency backup.
The pediatrician was great 'cause he told me that she is our baby and we can do it anyway we want. Whatever works for her and for us. We had a good day out with minimal crying. No luck finding preemie diapers though. They are all gone. Ugh. Hopefully we can make the newborn ones work until we make it into town to find Japanese ones.
Anyway, I'll add more info as I remember. :) We're doing well for tonight. It was a long but good day.

Melanie's Dedication

Sunday at church we had a dedication ceremony. Today I got the pictures from the pastor. They turned out really great!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Baby video

I know it is sideways. I didn't think about that when I was filming... I do that alot.

The last few days

I know its been a few days since I posted anything and everyone is dying to hear more news.
Things are going well. Right now we are working on getting her to sleep during the night, but she is still on a day schedule. I am pretty tired, but mostly able to move past it.
Breastfeeding is still a challenge. She can get milk out (there is plenty of it!) but not enough. Even with the nipple guard, which really hurts, she would have to feed for 20-30 minutes on each to get enough. Most of the time we are feeding her with the syringe. Can't do that forever though! I am considering exclusively pumping and feeding her with the bottle. It is a hard decision to make as breastfeeding time is good for bonding and cuddling.
Her dedication at church was today. I was afraid the dress I picked out for her would be too big. It was a little, but not too much. It was very cute. A gal at church took pictures, so I'll post them as soon as I get them.
I am tired and my mind is drawing a blank on what else I wanted to say. As always, if you have any questions, please post them and I'll try to answer.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thursday Update

I've been released from the hospital, but Melanie hasn't. They tested this morning and discovered they had borderline jaundice and had lost 13% of her body weight. She hasn't been latching on, so her diet is formula via syringe. We have a third test in a hour to check her jaundice levels. They may put her under the lamps.
I'm doing okay. Trying to catch up on rest. Percoset is a lifesaver. So is Danny as he's been feeding her. I hope to take a shower as soon as her returns. The last 24 hours have been difficult, but its slowly getting better. Danny is helping me keep an eye on my emotional well-being too. We are slowly adjusting to being a new little family. I'll update as soon as we have another significant update.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

She finally made it

Yes, it is true. Melanie Rose was finally born at 2:46 this morning weighing 6lbs 3oz and 18" long. The certidel was given to me at 9am and contractions started. I was progressing okay and they decided to put me on the pitocin to get me the rest of the way. I was still progressing, but on the pitocin her heart rate would drop quite drastically after a contraction. They spent the rest of the night taking me off and putting me back on it. I was creating strong regular contractions on my own, but not progressing quite fast enough. I got an epidural which was the greatest thing ever and was finally able to rest. After baby monitoring for a while, they broke my water and inserted the baby heart rate and contraction monitor directly into me.
Eventually they decided to call Dr. Chang who was in charge of c-sections. After watching me for maybe an hour after that, it was decided that since I was only 7-8 cm and Melanie was having problems that it was best for her to be born via c-section. Not much to say besides that. I got my catheter out this afternoon and have been able to spend a lot of the day moving around. Its been nice.
Melanie is having a few problems latching on, but we are making progress. Looks like we'll be feeding again after this post and FINALLY going to bed. I am very tired and haven't gotten much sleep today. Too much excitement.
It was asked about flowers and I was told that anyone should be able to call the NEX ordering line. They send the order to the NEX here, who would know where the hospital is. Specifing Yoksuka is the important part. If you want to call us directly, our number is 011-81-46-816-8550. Just be careful about what hours you call us and don't be surprised if there is no answer. If you don't have that number, calling the one I gave you in the last post is good. At the Labor and Delivery desk, ask for us by name or room number (3).
We gotta go feed now. Here are some pictures.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tomorrow morning

For all those awaiting phone calls, don't be surprised if you don't get one right away. There hasn't been any progress so I'm going into the hospital at 6 am. Danny will likely be the one making the calls. Since you know I'll be induced, we probably won't call when I start having contractions. The new grandparents will get a call as soon as possible after she is born. There are a few other calls we'll make slightly later. Don't be surprised if you get a call from Tracy though.
If you can't stand not having information, feel free to call Labor & Delivery at the hospital. Just call 011-81-46-816-7144 (Naval Hospital Quarterdeck) and ask to be transferred to Labor & Delivery or 3AOB. Sorry I don't have the exact number on me right now.
Well, I gotta get back to the room and ready for tomorrow. Its gonna be a big day.

Friday, September 12, 2008

After the sweep

Not feeling much different... The whole procedure was very quick and not as painful as everyone made it sound. The doctor was gentle to me and it felt a lot like an internal exam. I've been on my feet the rest of the afternoon/early evening but it hasn't made a difference. I am hoping as the night goes on something may happen. The doctor said I am 1-2 cm dilated now, but that still leaves 8 more to go.
Well, I can't do a whole lot now. The nurse said "have lots of sex"! Danny seemed pretty amused by that. :)
If there is any change tomorrow I'll try to update. Otherwise it may end up just like today.

Going in again today

Amy finally made it down to the base yesterday and I hung out with her while Danny went to the airport. We didn't do much, just walk around the Exchange and Commissary. I've been down there a lot recently just 'cause its one of the few things to do on base, but it was great to get out of the room and not spend the day alone.
Since Grandma asked what I do all day long, I promise it isn't very exciting. Because he doesn't have to work, Danny spends a lot of time doing things that have no interest to me. He doesn't seem to want to get out of bed as early as I do, so I just stay. Nothing for me to do on my own. Our entertainment consists of television and Danny's playstation. He always seems to be playing something. I brought down a few books and my knitting, but just haven't had the desire to pick them up. Recently I've spent a lot of time on my computer. Although we don't have internet in the room, I just discovered today that I can go straight outside and pick up an MWR wi-fi network. It's not a very comfortable place to sit, but I'll manage.
So, the purpose of this post was to give you the most recent update I have. I called L&D last night to see if they had any induction openings for today. They said that there were two scheduled, so no luck for me. I had already decided this would be our daughter's birthday (sept 12th) but she's given me no sign this morning that its a good day. Haven't even really had pre-labor contractions today. She is one stubborn little bugger. Anyway, I called again this morning to ask about a membrane sweep. (click here for more info) My midwife said she wouldn't do it, but the doctor I spoke to this morning looked at my chart and said there was no reason someone couldn't. I think Lt Commander Hiles just doesn't believe in doing it. She didn't explain, but that was the impression I got. Amy convinced me that I should get it done. It may decrease my chances of needing the pitocin on Monday. So, the doctor told me to come in anytime this afternoon and they would do it. It may kick start labor, so I am hopeful. (Frustrated, but still manage to have some hope left...)She has to be born eventually!!
Well, thats the latest. We'll update as soon as possible after the sweep. I don't expect results to be instantaneous. Somehow I'll try to update on wether it works or not.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I was feeling hopeful yesterday. Starting getting some stronger contractions before going to bed and had more in the morning. I got up to move around some and get breakfast. As soon as I layed down on my side, they stopped. We walked for nearly 3 hours straight in Yokosuka yesterday, but all I'm having are those teeny little ones that are very inconsistent. It's pretty frustration. I decided months ago that my due date should have been tomorrow, so there is still hope. I would have been induced tomorrow, but there was already another gal on the schedule. I'm debating if I should call and see if it is open.
Danny left a few hours ago and is driving to the airport today to pick up his parents. Kinda sucks being alone down here, but Amy called and said she would be heading down today so it looks like I'll have something to do. I've been sitting here on the internet for about an hour just checking up on stuff. Apperently the reason I can't get internet in the stork's nest is because the router software is too old for Mac security. :P I can walk down to the park and have access to a few different wi-fi areas.
Well, no other information to give than that. I promise that when I do go to the hospital, I'm calling no matter the time so be prepared for the phone to ring anytime of day.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Last appointment

The last appointment this morning went great. Had a few minor contractions during the non-stress test and baby's heart rate was doing well. My uterus was measuring at 37 and the amniotic fluid was sufficient (10-11 cm, 8 is low). Danny hadn't seen her on ultrasound since my 19 week appointment so the midwife did some looking around before we were done. I know it made him happy.
If I don't go into labor by the 15th, we are supposed to call the hospital at 5:30 am and go in by 6. She could possibly be born by the end of the day. Labor by drugs, as I've said, doesn't sound like a lot of fun but I really want Danny to have sufficient time with her and I'm not gonna argue with the midwife.
Thanks for the prayers.
Here is what I hope is the final belly picture. I know I haven't posted any in a long time. I took ones previous, but this is the one that matters.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Only have a second to update, but I just wanted to let everyone know we're still waiting. I don't want to be induced next week, but I feel like I have a timeline with Danny leaving at the end of the month. It is very annoying and I am trying everything I can, but I guess it's just a waiting game.
I have an appointment at 10 tomorrow morning. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Yokosuka & Appointment

I have to type quick 'cause I have lots to do and not much time. We came back up to the house tonight for a short time and I want to get things together to go back to Yokosuka.
Had my ultrasound this morning. Everything looks good and I got to see her practicing her breathing without hiccups. Very cute. She is still growing and fell into the range for her size in all catagories even if she is the size of an average baby 2 or 3 weeks younger. I don't want to push out a watermelon!
The midwife was busy this afternoon so I was hooked up to the NST machine for nearly 1.5 hours. Luckily Danny showed up to save me. I was tired of being stuck laying there. Happy when they took me off. I had a few minor contractions while I was there, but they weren't strong or regular. The midwife didn't measure me or check my cervix today. At this point it doesn't matter much anyway.
I have another appointment on Tuesday morning and have been scheduled for an induction if she doesn't come. September 15th!! I need her to come naturally though...
So, I will hopefully get the internet in the Stork's Nest figured out soon. Until then, we'll find another way to contact you if needed.
Love you all.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

We're going today

Yup, finally moving down to Yokosuka. I'm waiting for Danny to come home from work and we're taking my car down. I have to sneak my bags out to the car without Mocha noticing. You know how she gets. :)
I've been having false labor contractions (braxton hicks) since last night. Had a heck of a time sleeping. I have another appointment tomorrow afternoon so we'll see if I'm making any progress.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Update on Yokosuka

We are scheduled to move into the Stork's Nest today, but I decided I didn't want to go until tomorrow. I've talked to someone down there and she assured me that we wouldn't lose the room if we didn't go today. I have too many things to do and am just not ready to go. In fact, while lying in bed last night I nearly freaked out realizing that it would be the last night I'd sleep there in peace. Not that one more night is going to make a lot of difference, but since she is showing no interest in coming anytime soon I'm not gonna rush out of the house. I'd rather be somewhere I'm comfortable.
I'm also still in the process of finishing things up. I got most of upstairs clean, so I just need to pack my bag and work on downstairs. I have a few more meals to make before we leave. So far, I've stocked the freezer with taco rice, macaroni & cheese, cheesy potatoes & kielbasa, and waffles (made this morning) so I don't have to cook much later. Needless to say, I've never seen our freezer so packed full. I still have to make the calzones, lasagna and I was thinking about making a batch of french toast.
Where am I gonna find the energy to do this...? Eh, somewhere.
Anyway, that's the latest update. We will have wireless internet access in the Stork's Nest so I'll continue to update. Dan & Tracy will be here on the 11th (a week from tomorrow!) and I'm really hoping the baby will be here by then. Either way, Danny will have to go to the airport on his own since we won't have a passport for her yet and they won't let us through security without one. I think it would be better that I don't force her to make a long car trip like that just yet.
Does any body want to try to convince her to be born? I've tried everything I'm comfortable with.