Monday, January 14, 2008

Finally, the new post you've been waiting for

So, it isn't exactly that we've been busy, we just couldn't post anything on the blog until we were ready to spill the beans. Unfortunately, most of you already know.
Now I can finally say it on the blog... I'm pregnant. Yay.
I had my first appointment today. Nothing fancy, we just answered and asked questions. Going off my last period, I was told I'm 6 weeks and one day and my due date is Sept. 7. It seems so far away!
At this point I am still a little anxious because I don't get an ultrasound until my next appointment, which will be another month. Right now I know my chances of having a miscarriage are 1 in 3, so I am pretty scared but I'm just praying everything goes okay. I am doing my best to take care of my body and know that if this does end in a miscarriage, it was probably for the best.
For now, I'll try to be positive and just keep working toward Sept. 7th.

Forgot to add that Danny had duty today but he was still able to make it to my appointment. He asked questions and I was very happy to have him there. This may be the only one he can make it to, but I am happy he was there anywhere.
Sorry if I forgot to add anything else. I'll try to answer questions if I did.


  1. No questions at this point. Just take care and think positive. No reason you should have a problem with your pregnancy, don't even think bad thoughts, I'm sure you will be a great " baby-maker".
    Congratulations to you both, have you broken the news to Mocha yet? Does she know that your lap (as she knows it) is going to disappear?

    Love to your household,
    Grandma (expectant Great Grandma)

  2. Love and hugs for all three of you.

    Don't pay any attention to the statistics. Our prayers are with you.

    The blog should be very interesting for the next months.


  3. We're sending all sorts of good thoughts your way. I prefer to think of the statistics as being,
    '2 out of 3 pregnancies DON'T end in miscarriage at this point.' I'm trying like crazy to hold back on getting baby things, but it's SO hard! I did check out a lot of baby knitting books today from the library though. That's okay, right? ;-) XXOOX Mom/Tracy
