Wednesday, January 16, 2008

me so far

So you may be wondering how I am handling pregnancy so far.
Amazingly it hasn't been too bad. I expected it to be worse. Most of the time I am just tired and hungry. I'm afraid I am going to gain more weight than I am supposed too. Luckily, I am still going to my aerobics class twice a week when I can.
I've been careful about what I eat so that I don't get morning sickness. So far, its worked. :) I was okayed by the doctor to take my stomach acid medication, so I hope that will help me avoid it too. I've been very sensitive to smells, but that hasn't made me sick yet either.
Not really starting to show yet. It just kinda looks like I'm getting fat. Danny is going to take a picture of me and we bought a tripod so I can take my own while he is gone.
Next week I'll call the OB/GYN and make my 10 weeks appointment for the second or third week in February. That is when I'll get a physical exam and an ultrasound. I should hear the heartbeat then too. Danny probably won't be there for that one. I am pretty sure that the only other ultrasound I'll get is the one that will tell the gender. Yes, I am going to find out. Although I am not buying anything yet, I am shopping for gender neutral stuff. We plan on having a second child someday and want to reuse a lot of the stuff.
I have many friends around here who had babies or are moving and am hoping to get some things from them. A friend who is moving in May is going to sell me a bassinet.
Wow, all that typing made me tired. Guess its time for my nap!


  1. You are funny......try to convince me you are eating for two already : ) Also you shouldn't start showing for several months.....unless you are carrying 4 babies as your Dad suggested. I love new mothers, they are so excited about everything, have fun while you can!
    You make me giggle and want to hug you all at the same time ♡!


  2. I'm excited at your baby.
    I'm going to be the kid's Japanese friend. Please take care of yourself, Lori.
    I love you (^_^)/

  3. You're lucky you haven't gotten ill yet. Just the smell of turkey salad and later, coffee, made me lose it when I was pregnant with Danny. Keep up the good work! Are you still working? Just wondering. I had to quit around 3 months, I broke into tears in the middle of the office of the Chief's Club and we all agreed maybe it was time for me to retire.

    Is there a baby consignment shop anywhere nearby? I bought a LOT of stuff from those for Danny. Babies outgrow things so fast, it's a great way to go. A lot that I found still had the price tags on them. Of course, you're going to want to buy some new stuff just for the baby too. I found a great pattern for a kimono set (unisex) that you know I'm going to have to knit. Yes, I'll use green for your leprachaun baby. ;-)

    Love you both, thank you for keeping us in the loop as to how it's going! XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  4. You better get all the naps in that you can.
    To bad that Danny can't be there for the ultra sound the whole experience is quite enlightening.

    Love All three of you



    Hi Kana
    hope everything is going well for you and your family.
