Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Our first snow

We had our first snow this morning. I think it started raining about 20 minutes ago, but it had been coming down for a few hours before then. I am just happy to have the first snow I've seen since moving here.


  1. It's beautiful snow too. Mocha sure seeemed curious about it! She's never seen snow, has she? At this point, I'm tired of snow and we're supposed to get even more this weekend. *sigh*

    XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  2. I was waiting for Tracy to answer this one. It does look pretty at someone else's house. I'm glad you are enjoying the snow, yes it does make it feel more like home (Seabeck that is!) We are kind of in the banana belt at sea level. It has really been cold here for the last few days, ice isn't as pretty.


  3. Well, it was nice for a change while it lasted. It did start raining right before I posted those pics. Now it is pretty much all gone and sitting at about 34 degrees. Maybe if it keeps raining it will turn back to snow again later tonight.
    Yokosuka is at sea level (obviously) so Danny hasn't seen any snow and I know he'd like to.

  4. You can have the snow...

    I'm ready for summer

  5. And now they're saying we're due for yet more snow. *sigh*

  6. I love the pictures. Especially Mocha wondering what happened outside. :-D

  7. You need to update. You're killing me here! I need more Lori!
