Tuesday, May 20, 2008

6 month appointment

My appointment went well today. My uterus is measuring on schedule and the baby's heartbeat was in the 140s or 150s. Luckily I've finally gained some weight.
She approved me to travel back to the states. I will see her one more time before I leave and she'll give me a letter to show the airline if I need it. International travel is approved until 35 weeks so I can still leave to come home on the 31st of July like I planned.
In two weeks I'll have my glucose test. They usually do it at 28 weeks, but the midwife wants to have my results before I leave.
Anyway, everything is going fine and I'm taking care of myself.
As always, I'm sure I forgot something and I can add it later.


  1. Glad to hear everything (and everyone) is right on schedule. I'm also happy you're eating again and finally putting on a little weight. It's going to be so much fun seeing you with your little baby bump! XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  2. Are you really surprised that things are moving alone on schedule and you are doing fine? Not me, I knew you would have no problem.


  3. Good news! :-D
    Thanks for the update.
