Thursday, June 05, 2008

Hey, I know its been quiet around here. I'm surprised that no one has harassed me to update. I am not sure how much there has been to say.
Most of the reason it has been quiet is because Danny has been home. The ship flew him from Thailand and I went to Narita to pick him up on the 25th. He has been working half days and is almost always home when I get off work. That is distracting and doesn't leave me much time to do anything else, like write on the blog.
I've been working at the school for the last 6 weeks or so. The nurse moved back to the states (Bremerton actually) and I was working while they hired a replacement. She was hired last Monday, but the principal has wanted me there to help her out. I am starting to get tired of it and need a day off!
The third trimester starts for me on Sunday. I can tell that my energy level is decreasing again. I was really enjoying the second trimester, but all good things have to come to an end. The baby is still growing well. She has found lots of fun, uncomfortable places to kick me. My next appointment isn't until the 17th (our second anniversary) and I am going to ask my midwife to do an ultrasound. I haven't seen her for a long time.
Yesterday I went down to Yokosuka to do my glucose test. I was there at 8:30 and they gave me a really sweet drink. It tasted like concentrated Hi-C. :P An hour later they took three little viles of blood. I wasn't allowed to eat during that hour although I was allowed to eat breakfast in the morning. I got terrible heartburn while I was waiting, but couldn't take anything because I didn't want to mess up my test results. If I fail this one, I have to go back for a 3-hour test. I am really hopeful I don't have to do that. I will probably find out my results at my appointment.
There may be more updates later, but I'll make another post sometime.


  1. Very good to hear from you.
    I was a little worried but I was hoping Danny was in.

    Did you get an email from Cheryl discussing ideas for a baby shower? We really need to get the invites out soon. Let us know soon.

    Love Dad

  2. Well, if you really WANT to be harrassed when you don't post for awhile, we can certainly help you out!

    Glad to hear everything's still going well. It isn't unusual for your energy to start to flag now. Rest when you can. Afternoon naps are God's gift! Enjoy that while it lasts too.

    We're very excited to be seeing you soon. Let us know how those plans are going too, okay?

    Love and miss all of you! XXOOX Mom/Tracy/Grandma lol

  3. Yes, your blog has been quiet but I was sure Danny was home and knew you were working also, so i just let it ride. I knew you would write something when you felt like it.

    Hard to keep your energy up when you are moving for two.....slack off on some things if you can. Forget sweeping and cleaning once in awhile, after September your house will never look the same anyhow.

    Hugs to you, Danny, Mocha, and Susie
