Sunday, March 29, 2009

6 Month appointment

Friday was Melanie's 6 month appointment. She is now weighing 16lbs and is 23.5in. So, she is short and round in the 50th percentile for weight and 5th percentile for height. I've started calling her my chunky monkey.
We've been concerned with some dry and red skin on her back. The pediatrician said she has mild eczema. We have an ointment to clear up the redness and lotion to apply multiple times a day. She also has special soap. Oh, and he also started her on fluoride drops. Apparently, base housing in Yokosuka and Ikego has "base water" that has added fluoride, but in Negishi we get "Japanese water" and they don't add it.
Melanie got a few shots after her appointment. We almost have her caught up on her HIB, so once we get that she won't need anymore until she's a year old. I also elected to get her flu shot since it is still going around Japan.

Since she was 4 months I've been sleeping SO well since she would be asleep nearly 11 hours solid every night. The last week or so she's decided that it is fun to wake up crying multiple times a night. Last night it was 10pm, midnight, and 4am. I was not happy. I have to assume that she is teething. Even before her immunizations, she'd be randomly cranky during the day. She isn't drooling or chewing on things any more than usual! :) No sign of teeth yet, but she has been getting teething tablets and baby Orajel occasionally.

Yesterday we made a trip to the Imperial Palace. Pictures and information to come later.


  1. As long ago as it was, I still remember when Danny started waking up again during the night and how devastated I was. At the time, Dr. T. Barry Brazelton's advice, (a baby doctor on tv) was to let them cry a little longer each night until they learned to put themselves to sleep, otherwise plan on broken sleep for the next 4or 5 years. That may be completely off the mark now though. I feel for you, it's tough going back to sleepless nights after a few months of good sleep!



  2. keep an eye on the eczema. it may be nothing, but gary had his first eczema when he was about 9 months and from then on it was shots for allergies because it wouldn't go away. He was allergic to everything under the sun!

    It may be the soap you are using or even the softener, it will drive you crazy I know that.
    I hope it is nothing and the cream takes care of the problem.

    Melanie does chew those finger a lot, I hope her teething is not hard, I bet that's what the problem is.

