Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Ya, ya, ya

I know I haven't posted in three weeks.
Sorry guys, I just don't have anything to say. You can harass Danny if you want to read more. This is as close to folding under pressure as I get.

No, there are plenty of things happening I could say. I just don't feel like it.


  1. Dan & I just keep checking every day to see if there's anything new, going under the assumption 'no news is good news'. Glad to hear you're feeling better and eating again, at least according to Danny. XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  2. Why do I think Danny is like Brownstone, if Blackie doesn't clean her dish he takes care of the left overs and he could care less if she doesn't eat everything...more for him. Sorry Danny just being a smart a--.
    You do sound a little testy, good time for everyone to hide! Tracy is braver than me, I was almost afraid to comment.
    We all love you, and as much as I wish you were here......we all might be safer with you in Japan.(just Kidding) Grandma
