I know there hasn't been an update in a while. Sorry. Never realized how demanding motherhood is- physically and mentally.
Melanie is 3 months and one week now so we're (I'm) trying to establish important routines. For the last three nights she has been sleeping in the bassinet in the pack and play. I want to make the transition easier when her crib arrives. She had been sleeping in the seat of the sweetpeace swing. The nice thing about the bassinet is that I can rock it forward and back. She awoke about 20 minutes ago and I gave her the paci and rocked her until she fell asleep. It was nice that I didn't even have to wake her up.
She has been rolling over consistently. I did get the very first on video, but I have to wait until Danny gets it onto his computer. It is going to be quite while until she can roll from back to stomach, but she is really good at getting on her side.
Her favorite new thing is crying when I leave the room. Sometimes I lay her on the floor and go into the kitchen to get something to eat and she gets quite fussy. It seems so early for her to develop this, but I am hoping it doesn't last too long. I think as long as she has someone paying attention to her she is okay. Doesn't HAVE to be me.
Lastly, we went to Kamakura on Sunday because Danny hadn't seen the big Buddha there. I posted pictures in photobucket. It is public.
Kamakura Dec 2008