Sunday, December 07, 2008

Better video

Here is a much better one. I hope she makes this a daily thing.


  1. OMG, she's alread graduated to belly laughs! I'm sure she'll make it a daily event, (except when she's teething, of course!). She's a happy baby girl, thanks to her loving mommy & daddy!

    Love and miss all of you!


    G/G; D/T; M/D

  2. Awwww She's got the greatest laugh! I love it!

  3. Have you tried the creep creep with the fingers and then the gotcha? Kids seem to think that is really funny, I think it is much like Peek-a-boo to them.

    She is just about ready for the laugh and squeal, but I think she reacted just as much to your laughter as her own. Has she started to laugh at Mocha when you play with her?


  4. Lori,Melanie is just the cutest thing, She just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter, Oh by the way does she needs more clothes she seems to not have any on when you show her(ha ha) enjoy this Lori and Danny it goes by very quickly.
    Love and hugs and kiss her sweet baby feet for me Love Grandma Cheryl

  5. lol, no she has PLENTY of clothes. :) All that filming was in a one hour period of one day. The rest of the time she is wearing clothes. So many get ruined by diaper explosions though.
