Saturday, December 06, 2008

Baby giggles

Today was her very first and I caught it on video. Sorry for my obnoxious laugh and bad camera work. I hope you're able to hear her over my own giggling.


  1. Are you sure she wasn't laughing at her silly Mother?
    Just kidding, it's wonderful when they really start to react and become a little person that shows their love.
    That is what she was doing, I could tell by the look on her face......she adores her Mama.

    Wish we all could be there to laugh along with you, and then give everyone a big hug.


  2. Melanie's sure a happy little baby girl, good job, mommy! Like your grandmother said, I wish we could be there too, laughing along with the two of you. I had to post that little clip on my myspace page, I hope that's okay. I'd share with the world, if I could! She's just too cute and beautiful for words. I'm so glad you were able to catch that moment and share with us.

    Love and miss you all!


    G/G; M/D; D/T
