Monday, May 25, 2009

Kanto Lodge

I'm staying here in Yokota tonight. My car is in long term parking (many thanks to Sierra) and we are ready to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow to walk to the terminal. It's a quarter to midnight. Bleh. Tomorrow will be a long day, so I hope I actually get onto the flight. So far, things are working out well. I will post an update tomorrow. I also will be calling Dan and Tracy, so you may need to call them if you need details.
Well, goodnight everyone and I hope we see you soon.


  1. Good luck. I will be watching. I will tell the other grandparents what is going on when they arrive home today from the ocean. They will get here about the time you will leave (if your wings are working). ....the planes wings that is.


  2. We sure hope to hear from you soon! We'll be there with bells on if you make it.

    To everyone else, please feel free to give us a call if you'd like. If we hear anything, we'll definitely share.

  3. Lori called about 1:00pm 5/25. She made it on!! They're due to arrive 0703Z 26 MAY, so it will actually be around 2303 PST on the 25th at McChord AFB.
    She will have a LONG day today w/Baby girl...she was up aroung 0300 her time to make roll call. We'll be there to pick them up...

    Dan/Grandpa COB

  4. Prayers for all the travelers and those of us waiting.
