Monday, November 10, 2008

Letter from the President & First Lady

Melanie got her first letter in the mail today!!

The Bush Family isn't stalking us. I requested it. Pretty cool in my opinion. Now I just need to find a frame for it.


  1. I'll see if I can get Barack to send her one too, okay? ;-)

  2. :P How did I know you'd say that? Can I kindly decline? :)

  3. Obviously Grandma Tracy is partaking of the grape with her last comment! Please if it ever shows up...burn it.
    Love Dad
    Grandpa Dan

  4. And NOW we know what it takes to get Grandpa Dan to actually leave a real, honest to God comment! LOL

  5. Dan, I'm gonna let Danny respond to that... :)

  6. Now, now children...this is a wonderful letter for Melanie and we shouldn't argue over the internet. After all we are all aware that Danny's color runs RED in the political arena (thank God). And Dan, when you mentioned "the grape" I initially thought you were talking about the favorite flavor of Obama kool-aid! ;-) Sorry Tracy...
