Saturday, January 13, 2007

There is no way to describe this one!

So, this is my life:
I officially start regular lessons for English starting next wednesday. I have two regular students so far, and hopefully a third one soon. I had a trial lesson with her today and although we didn't get to really "lesson stuff", we did get to know each other and I found out where she wants to improve. She is a very nice woman. The regular one I start on wednesday really surprises me. After the trial lesson, she was not sure if she wanted to continue. She was looking for an experianced teacher, but I was honest and told her she was my first student. She wants to go to nursing school in the states, so I hope I can prove to her that I am a good teacher by researching good schools for her.
This is where things get exciting though. For the last month or so, I have been getting civilian LES (leave and earning statements- you understand this if you've worked for the department of defense) in the mail. At first I thought it was for the family SGLI (servicemembers' group life insurance) Danny has for me. Then I thought maybe DODDS (Department of Defense Dependents Schools- sorry for all the "military talk") made a mistake and put me in the system as employed even though I wasn't. THEN, I checked the mail today. In there was a letter from Byrd Elementary. It said this:
"Dear Lori Kohlbeck:
Congratulations! You have been appointed to a subsitute position within DODDS Yokosuka, Japan effective Dec 11, 2006."
How nice of them to tell me this a month later!! It is a good thing they didn't try to call me because, for the last four weeks I had no idea I was employed. Its all news to me!
Dumb government.
Anyway, I am not sure how I feel about it, but I am going to accept. Since school is closed monday for holiday (and Danny FINALLY gets to spend two consecutive days at home) I'll have to wait until tuesday.
This is all weird cause I never even had to do an interview.
Well, tell me what you all are thinking...


  1. nI would say the recent earthquake action was probably caused by Lori jumping up and down with joy!!!

    I say this is great, go for it, what do you have to lose.


  2. Congratulations on the sub position! :D ...better late than never! ;-D

    And some people want this same system to manage our healthcare.... eek!

    I just heard about the earthquake, last night listening to the radio in bed....they said the tsunami warning had been called off.

    Gramma T.

  3. I think what people like is your honesty. if you know what people want it is much easier to help them. I imagine different students will be looking for different things to use in English,

    Good luck, but you really don't need it! You will do fine.
