Thursday, November 08, 2007

Last night

I know the only two people who semi-regularly read this already know, but this is mainly for everyone else.
When Danny got back from class last night I still was not feeling well. I tried eating a few things and they still wouldn't stay down. I practically forced Danny to take me to the navy hospital. It was a bit of a hassle because I am not enrolled in their Tricare system, but I got in pretty quickly. I saw a doctor who gave me a prescription for nausea. She said that I was dehydrated (as I assumed). Apparently when you stand when dehydrated, your blood pressure drops and your heart rate goes up. Since they don't have the facilities for an IV, I was told to go to the emergency room of the Newport hospital.
The doctor's directions were terrible and it took us over half an hour to find the hospital. I had to register and wait for a bed, which probably took about 45 minutes. After they got me in, they hooked me up and ended up giving me two bags of fluids. I was in there until about 9:30 last night. Danny went out to get some food while I was sleeping and waiting.
I've been taking the medication from the navy and I've been able to keep a few meals down. I've been sleeping a lot which is a nice change.
Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am okay. Thanks for your messages.

1 comment:

  1. Good to hear you are feeling better.

    Get your rest and drink plenty of liquids.

    Love Dad
