Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A little better

The puking stopped and I am improving a bit, but I am still very tired. I'm trying to resume a normal lifestyle slowly. Of course, I am looking forward to actually enjoying the pregnancy.

Still hate the chores. If my house was magically clean I would feel so much better. It is depressing everyday to look at it and know I am the only one around to clean it. Man, Danny has it easy!

I've been going to aerobics class. Everything else is just too much work. I have to re-introduce things very slowly so I don't feel overwhelmed.

If anyone wants to come to Japan and clean my house for me, I can offer a bed and a warm house. I'll even pay for your food as long as you don't mind things out of the freezer (and you're willing to do any dishes afterward).


  1. Gee what a if I only had wings!!

    Can't you talk Kana into coming for a visit. I bet she would help you. Shame you can't hire a maid for a day.

    Hope we are finally coming to the end of the commode hug. I bet you will never complain about flu again, it's a piece of cake!

    Don't overdo take it slow until you really feel better.


  2. A friend and I agreed several years ago that what we really needed were wives. Someone to do all the stuff around the house we had to do. Sounds as if you could use the same thing!

    As tempting as the offer sounds, unfortunately, we can't make it over yet, either. Sure wish we could though! Know that Dan & I love you both and wish there were more we could do to help. :-(
