Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Yay, the appointment went great this morning. I cried.
Everything looks great. The heartbeat was in the 150s and the doctor told me that the chances of a miscarriage after hearing a heartbeat is really slim.
The baby was moving around while she was looking at it and it was really cute! It is 2.73cm long and my due date is still the same (Sept. 7).
Well here are the pictures. The head is to the left. In the first one, you can see the baby's arms and in the second one you can see its legs. I know they are a little fuzzy. They were more clear on the screen during the exam.
Oh, and the doctor looked around. There is only one. :)

UPDATE: I forgot to mention that in the second picture, if you look closely at the baby's head you can see its two little eyes.


  1. I don't think I can fold diapers quite that small. However I am willing to try.

    So exciting to see a Great Grandbaby from the beginning. No wonder you cried.

    Looking forward to the whole movie at the grand opening.
    Hugs to all,

  2. Hey your little precious bundle is cute.looks like a pea in the middle of a Turkey at this time soon It will look like the whole bird in there.Let us know the sex when the baby shows that.Well take a nice walk and go to a movie with you honey ,
    Happy Valentines Kids

  3. I do not want to see the Movie !!!

    Looks at that head !!
    Looks like Danny, Ha Ha, just kidding

    Love Dad

  4. You never know, baby #2 could just be hiding! (kidding) I had to show everyone at work today the pictures, even the senior girls and they all oohed and ahhed appropriately. Thank you so much for sharing something this precious with us...
    XXOOX Mom/Tracy
