Friday, February 29, 2008

mixed feelings

I FINALLY got in touch with Becky yesterday. After 8 weeks of knowing I'm pregnant, I was finally able to tell her. She was the only person who didn't know (except my students and boss). I figure I won't be showing for about two more months so that gives me more time to work.

On the down side there has been a lot of new information and rumors about the ship and their port visit was canceled. Props to the ombudsman who has been working hard the last few days to keep us as updated as possible, but the frustration never ends with the Navy. They are talking about schedule changes and no one here has a clue about what exactly is going to happen.


  1. I think this is just military in general. You must remember there is a war going on, and it seems like it is everywhere.

    That said, I'm sure it is frustrating, you can't even plan ahead, like who gets to take out the litter box.

    I thought for awhile Danny's ship might be the one to shoot down the satellite, wouldn't that have been exciting.

    Of course this does give you more time to get the cookie sheet and bowls washed : )

    They will probably put into port just when you have figured out they aren't going to!!

    Keep the faith,

  2. Yep, your grandmother's right. The only sure thing about a boat schedule is that it's going to change. Imagine how I felt when Danny was just 2 months old, Dan's boat was supposed to be in, but wasn't, and his parents came to visit for three weeks. Seriously, we'll try to avoid doing anything like that to you!

    Promise that once the baby comes, while you'll still miss Danny, you won't notice as much when he's gone. The little one will keep you waaaay to busy.

    Hang in there, clean as you feel able and he'll be home as soon as he can.

    Love and miss you both! XXOOX Mom/Tracy
