Saturday, February 23, 2008


I know its been quiet this last week. Danny has been gone for two weeks and I haven't been feeling well. Spending time to update the blog has been at the bottom of my list, but I guess I should bump it up a bit so you all know whats going on in my life.
Well, I've been sleeping alot and spending a lot of time sitting in front of the toilet. Morning (make that night) sickness has not been good to me this week. I have a very difficult time getting anyone to help me. The obgyn office was supposed to pass my phone number on to a nurse and I didn't get a call back until Friday afternoon (the only time I wasn't home). The clinic here in Negishi won't help me because I am pregnant. No one here is more than remotely educated in pregnancies, so they won't give me or refer me to any medications.
Yesterday (Friday) I decided to drive down to the ER in Yokosuka so someone would help me. They weren't a whole lot of help. Sure, they gave me zofran (an anti-nausea medication) but I only got 12, 1 which was taken there and another last night. Therefore, I only have 10 left. I really want to take one now, but I am just uncomfortable so I don't want to waste any.
Dee said she was sending me morning sickness suckers (called preggie pops), but I haven't seen them. Either she sent them slow or forgot to. I am thinking about ordering some online and having them priority shipped here. I am also debating over other things I could buy, like peppermint or chamomile tea or even something like a motion sickness bracelet. To be honest, not even the zofran helped me that much so I don't want to waste my money.
The reason the nausea is such a big deal is because it is preventing me from doing anything else. The kitchen has been appropriately renamed "the disaster". I can't exercise or really even go anywhere. Going to the grocery store makes me nauseous. Moving too much upsets my stomach and ultimately leads to vomiting.
Sorry, I know this is all too much information, but everyone is always asking how I am so there are the details. Trust me, it is edited. :) Anyway, thanks for listening.


  1. I am so sorry you are sooo sick : ( Wish there was something we could do to help.

    Forget the kitchen, launder, housework etc. who cares, don't try to be super woman, you are sick, forget the fact that it's from are still sick!!!

    Do rest a lot and try to relax. Forget exercise and good food for now, you can't hurt the baby (must be a boy to cause all this trouble). We are all hoping that the 12 week sickness passes real soon.

    If you don't get better it may be time to storm the castle gates and see if something else is causing the problem.

    Wish you were here so we could tack care of you, I can just imagine you flying on a plane right now...the window open all the way!

    We love you so take care,


  2. Hey Lori, sorry I haven't had the chance to respond until now. I mentioned to Danny, but don't know if he passed it on, try having Saltine crackers by your bed and eat at least two before you even get up in the morning. Lay there awhile, give them awhile to do the trick, and see if that helps. If it does, try nibbling on them throughout the day as you can. And real ginger ale may help too. Not 7-Up, not Sprite, real honest to God ginger ale. I lived on those two things while I was preggie and they sure helped. I wish there was more we could do to help, but like your grandmother said, all we can do is send serious good wishes your way. Know that we love you though! XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  3. I hope that someone's ideas help you though this, I am not worth a darn for ideas on this topic but I sure wish you were closer to Bremerton so we could take care our our sick girl. I guess you could fly home like grandma said but you would have a hard time stopping the plane to open the window.

    Get well soon and we are all thinking about you every day.

    Love you,

  4. It is such a miserable time... doesn't seem fair to interupt the joy of anticipating the little one.

    My opthomologist wore those motion sickness bracelets through two pregnancies. I never did ask her about them, but they must have helped. She had to show up for work....

    Hoping you're feeling better, soon.

    Eloise/Gramma T
