Sunday, January 18, 2009


That's Umi no koen (Seaside Park). Yes, it's cold out, but I wanted to go to the park so we did. Actually we were down in that area because Danny needed to order a new rearview mirror from AutoBacs and it wasn't raining. I really thought it was going to with some of the dark clouds I was seeing all day.
Anyway, we took pictures. They weren't edited before posting online, but considering my recent problems with the RAW format, you should be happy. :) There are many more that need to make it online. I don't want to compromise the great image quality (which I did for these photos).
Anyway, I hope you enjoy them.


  1. Oh yes, I definitely enjoyed them! Seeing Baby Girl's little pink nose from the cold, too cute. Wish you could get a picture of all three of you together, I need a new one for my wallpaper at work!

    Love and miss all of you!


    G/G; D/T; M/D

  2. Didn't need a temperature gauge to know how cold it was, just look a Melanie's little red nose and checks. I hope you just took her hat off for pictures.......sorry just have to be a grandma sometimes.

    Cute pictures, love her big smile (and Mommy and Daddy's too)

