Friday, January 02, 2009

The last few days

Sorry it's been so quiet. Yesterday I was busy cleaning the house and on New Year's Eve we went to Tokyo to apply for Melanie's birth abroad and her passport. Soon I'll apply for her no-fee passport and her SSN. We want to get that before tax season.
Happy New Year to everyone. We didn't do anything this year. We were in bed before midnight.
The last few nights have been rough because Melanie decided she didn't want to sleep in her bassinet anymore. I put her in the swing on Wednesday morning and she slept from 230 to 8. I had to get up at 6 and go to Yokosuka though. At least Danny had it a little easy. She's been sleeping in the swing for a few days. Her new thing is waking up crying just a few minutes after I put her down. Also, she likes to wake up every 30 min after her first feeding of the night (somewhere between 3 and 5). This morning I kept her up for two hours and she slept for 2 hours instead of 30 min.
She also likes to cry when I leave the room. The only distraction she'll accept is the television. We've watched lots of Baby Einstein and Disney movies. Amy gave her "Lilo and Stitch" for Christmas and we have Finding Nemo and The Little Mermaid. I don't like the idea of babysitter television, but I really have no other choice.
Danny has duty today, the weekend off, and then back to work regularly. The last two weeks have been interesting. We were planning on going to Hakone by Shinkansen, but there is a race from Tokyo and back today and tomorrow so I think we're gonna cancel. We were supposed to go with Brian, Amy & the twins. They leave for the states soon and Amy wanted to take the Shinkansen before they left. Hopefully she'll get another chance.


  1. Sounds like you have been busy. Your daughter has a mind of her own.......why am I not surprised!

    Don't worry about what the books say about the TV if it works use it, she will out grow a lot of things....and probably find something worse to drive you crazy with.

    I think the sleep thing, is just go with what works : )


  2. Hey Lori... sorry you're having sleep issues. We co-slept with Torryn when she was Melanie's age and that worked super well and when we needed her to sleep on her own, I slept with her sheet the night before and that way it smelled like me and she slept better. Oh and I totally recommend the book "The No-Cry Sleep Solution" it's got some great ideas.

    Don't stress on the tv, she just misses mama and if it distracts her and keeps the environment calm, then YAY!

  3. Yep, I agree with the others, go with what works. When Danny was a baby, he LOVED Sesame Street and I knew I had exactly one hour a day to get stuff done uninterrupted that way. I think he still turned out pretty okay.

    The sleeping thing? Babies go through stages and this is all part of it. I remember the phrase, 'self-soothing', something about babies needing to learn how to comfort themselves when they wake up in the middle of the night, otherwise you'll still be going in to comfort them with they're 10. Ugh, wouldn't want that!

    You're doing a great job being Melanie's mommy, it shows in all the pictures and her big happy smile! :-)

  4. After reading Tracy i remembered how my boys always had down time when shows were on. Gary watched Wunda Wunda every day during his lunch (1960) and I was free. Than every morning it was J.P. Patches before and after school and it really quieted them down. Anytime you can quiet 3 boys down, be it TV or anything it is worth it. I never worried that they would have a problem. Melanie will watch Nemo and learn to love color. maybe she will grow up to be a Marine Biologist.
    Don't worry, like Tracy says you are doing a great job, your kid just loves you, certainly nothing wrong with that. : )
