Friday, January 16, 2009

Melly's 4-month appointment.

Had her appointment at 940 this morning. Which means I had to leave before 830. I got up early and took care of stuff then got her up last minute and got her ready to go.
We were still a little late.
So she is now 11.96 lbs, 23.43 in and her head is 16.45 in. 25th percentile. Small is fine with me. Doc was a bit surprised when I told him she eats every 1.5 hrs.
She got two shots today and has been a cranky bug. Also, because we were gone most of the day she didn't really get to nap. Just as she would fall asleep I'd have to take her out of the car. Should have not been cheap and just put out the money for the infant car seat...
Anyway, she's been on tylenol all day and will hopefully feel better tomorrow.

Oh oh, and the Doc said I can mush up whatever I'm eating and let her taste it. If she likes it, give her more. Obviously I'm staying away from honey and dairy. I bought her a little jar of banana baby food today and I'm excited to give it to her tomorrow. She's already tasted banana though. Thought it was a safe bet. :)


  1. Oh, she's such a healthy little girl! It's good to know she's steadily growing. Being in the 25th percentile is just fine, her daddy was pretty small once upon a time too.

    You're going to LOVE what having solid food will do for her sleep schedule. Just remember, if the banana binds her up, you'll be sorry! lol

  2. I told you she was one healthy looking girl. Don't forget to try vegetables also, but remember the allergies in the family and see if she gets a reaction from anything. Gary didn't show allergies until he was a year old, still don't know why it took so long.
    I have to get my knee shot next week, can I take Melanie along for support?


  3. Oh ya, I forgot to mention that she took the shots pretty well. When we came out she had stopped crying and she had one little tear on her cheek. So cute.
    What allergies do we have in the family? I'll only introduce a new food every few days just for that reason. It'll be hard 'cause I'm excited about her trying new things. Don't want to stress her poor little system out though.

  4. You especially don't want to stress out the bottom
    end : )

    Well we know Danny has allergies (wish the Navy would test him) Gary was allergic to almost everything, probably except peanut butter, Grandpa was allergic to mustard, G.Grandpa Snyder was allergic to strawberries, Fern thought she was allergic to onions,
    at one time when your Dad was young I thought he was allergic to something but could never pin it down. The circles under the eyes probably.
    I'm not even to sure about you and your stuffed up nose, sure sounds like allergy to me.
    Have you tried Melanie on cereal yet? Lisa just loved the Gerber mixed, but she was a few months older.
    Yep...I would say we have some allergies!

  5. Lori, I wouldn't worry too much with respect to allergies on Danny's side. The only allergies from his side are seasonal...(since we moved to Washington). Same with me, Danny, and Drew. Wisc, Conn, Alaska, Virginia, and Alabama had no affect. Just Washington???? Mmmm So wouldn't be concerned with that too much.
    Grandpa COB ;-)
