Monday, January 05, 2009

sleep issues

I guess I'm in denial about Melanie growing up. I know lots of things need to change as she gets older. I can't keep treating her like a newborn. As I said before, we've been having bed time problems. She is still waking up shortly after I put her down. Last night she slept so well in her swing. She was out from 9 to 8. Didn't wake up once. I really want her to sleep in her bassinet. Just put her in there about 20 minutes ago for her nap and she just woke up. I guess I'll take what I can get, but I know she mostly wakes up because she is mad that she is alone and doesn't like the bassinet.
There are so many people out there that have advice about how to do this and what to avoid and how you should parent. I can't even read that stuff 'cause it is just too overwhelming to think about doing all they want me to do. Let your baby cry, don't let them cry, put them to bed awake, put them to bed asleep, check on them every few minutes, leave them alone... all these things your supposed to do to get it right. It's too complicated and too much work. I am frustrated. Can't someone just make it easy?


  1. No one said being a parent was easy.....the hard part is trying to do the right thing and having too much help. I guess you try something and if it doesn't work scrap it.

    Maybe she can't see out of the bassinet or some strange thing. Let her sleep in the swing unless there is a problem with this. Since I always rocked my babies I am afraid I am no help.


  2. Yep, unfortunately, there just isn't a definitive book of parenting with a one size fits all approach that really works. I remember sitting on the floor outside Danny's room, crying as he cried in his crib because I'd read you had to do that so the baby will learn to put themselves to sleep. It worked, but wow, was that a toughie! Just wait until she hits the teen years, then you'll REALLY want that book of instructions! LOL

  3. I Agree,

    Who told you parenting was going to be easy? Just wait for the next one nothing will be the same.

    And if teenage boys are rough try raising teenage girls... talk about fun.

    But I would never take it back. The rewards (like being a grandparent and blogging to your daughter on parenthood) are well worth it.

    Take a deep breath and enjoy the ride!

    Love Dad

  4. This is totally not easy being a parent. I'm like you, I read everything and it all contradicts each other. We just had to figure out (through trial and error) what worked for Will.

    Sleeping transition have always been the hardest. I didn't get a full-night sleep until around 8 months. You'll make it through... just don't worry too much.

    Just know you're making good choices as a mom and Melanie will turn out to be just fine as she grows.

  5. Questions?
    Why is the bassinet so important, do you see it as a stepping stone to the crib?

    Where is the swing located? where is the bassinet located? Maybe put the bassinet downstairs for awhile and see if she likes it better and let her play in it, (think of it as a fun place) maybe she is not sure where she is, and where you are.

    Now think of all the babies in the world that no one ever picks up and loves and they don't even know who their Mother and Melanie are very lucky.

    Do like your Great Grandmother said, go with your first gut instinct, no matter what the books say, Melanie is one of a kind and there will never be one exactly the same as her ever again......unless, again, she comes out so perfect we have to have her coned : )
