Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Midwives in Navy

Here is an article that was printed in the Stars & Stripes. Hiles was my midwife during my pregnancy and Shaughnessy was my midwife at the end. Oh and Mindy Adorador is a friend of mine. Her husband works on the Mustin too.
Midwives in the military offer extra level of care


  1. AWW YAY! I love Lt. CDR Hiles, she was the bestest midwife EVER! And Mindy is adorable and I love that she was included. WOOT!

  2. I printed the article off for Melanie's baby book.
    A little piece of history for her someday.


  3. Shannon - Andrea IS totally awesome.
    Grandma - Glad you're on top of it.
