Friday, March 21, 2008

finally friday

It was a long week. Danny worked A LOT and I didn't really see him Wednesday through Friday and he didn't even leave Yokosuka. Now I'm glad its the weekend and he has is off. We don't have any grand plans. Maybe we'll go to Yokosuka tomorrow and look at used cars.
Just wanted to add a quick update on me. I'm still having a few problems with vomiting, but not too bad. I'm getting used to it and it usually only gets me once a week. I've gained back a few pounds and I'm almost back to my beginning weight. Everything else is pretty good. Since the baby is growing so fast I wake up every morning with a little abdominal discomfort from muscle stretching. I think I may have felt the baby move once or twice, but it hasn't become noticeable yet. Soon... My only big complaint is that I'm starting to get heartburn. Yuck. Now I just have to decide exactly what it is that is causing it. Tums seem to be giving me relief, for now.
Maybe Danny will give you an update soon.


  1. Heartburn is no fun. Try not to lay down after you eat, and eat small meals. Also try to keep a memory record of what you eat when the heartburn is the worst. I can get heartburn from the darndest things, like lettuce, the mildest leaf vegetable. I read that sometimes just drinking small amounts of water seems to cool things down.

    Enjoy your weekend, relax!

  2. Glad Danny was finally able to come home. Good luck with the car shopping! I'm sure it's going to be pricey, but the peace of mind of having transportation after the baby arrives will be worth it.

    Sorry to hear about the heartburn. The only time I had an issue with that was when I ate some Jeno's pizza rolls too fast late at night. Lesson learned!

    Love and miss you both. XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  3. Wait until he or she "tries" to learn to drive, then the heartburn will back.
