Friday, October 13, 2006

Our new addition

Danny and I have a fuzzy child. She is a tabby cat named Sandy. I would post pictures, but she is always hiding in our cardboard forest. I bought a can of tuna today and bribe her with a few pieces. She will eat them out of my fingers. Actually, she licks it until it falls apart and waits for me to pick up and put it near her mouth again. I moved her dish way back into her hiding spot and I think she was eating earlier. Usually she shakes when I pet her, but she has a really loud purr if you find her happy spot (she likes butt scratches). I am hoping she comes out sometime during the day. She spent all of last night walking around the house meowing. I feel so bad for her. Hopefully she won't be freaked out tomorrow when Danny comes home.


  1. You have done well, found her "happy spot" and got her to eat from your fingers, That means she is starting to trust you. You have to become her brothers and sisters, she is very lonesome. Before long she will realize you are the food keeper and start to follow you everywhere. I think you are making good progress don't give up!


  2. Hi, remember me, that’s right your father.
    Well sorry it’s been so long but have you ever lived in a RV? Not as exciting as it could be. Last week I was working 12 hour days from 1600 to 0400 so it was a long and weird week but I have concord and am trudging forward. We are at Kathy and Alex’s for a few days house sitting and watching Zeus, kind of like a cat that barks, while they are on vacation before we house sit that barfing dog and his sister next week. We have had people looking at the house and one couple really sound like they like it but they want to finance VA and our place would not qualify without $$$$$$. Sounds like Sandy is a good fit you and your sprits. I sure wish I could give you a big hug and show you how much all of us here love you and Dan but alas we will have to settle with a virtual “HUG” and a “WE LOVE YOU” Keep your chin up and look at all the great things in your life and a great man you have to support you and how much he loves you and would do any thing for you. You have so many good things going, I do understand loneliness and boredom, and it sucks! Cheryl, Julie Connie, Larry and their kids are at the pumpkin farm right now gathering up the “Great Pumpkin” or some of his gourd friends. I sure do miss you and I really enjoyed hearing your voice and will be calling when I get to grandmas. John was asking about you guys and when I told him were your house was at we said his parents lived their when they were young. He told we that they were their when the old horse track caught fire and john’s dad helped get the Emperors horses out of the stables. What a small world. John says if the cockroaches are driving you crazy wait until spring and then the Cicadas start chirping for months, he described it as everyone in the neighborhood start up their weed trimmers at the same time (Sounds like Fun!) Try these web sites, Not sure which one to listen to but they all sound peaceful and relaxing, NOT.

    And when you really are tired of the here is some recipes

    I know that you would love the “Cica-Delicious Pizza”

    See what adventures you two have to look forward to, WOW


