Monday, October 16, 2006

Pictures of our fuzzy baby

The shelter named her Sandy, but we are thinking about renaming her Mocha. She was being cute last night, but then she got mad at me for pushing her out from under the dresser at 11 last night. She did it again this morning, so now she runs from me and is hiding in some box downstairs. I am glad she got some bonding time with Danny before he left. Posted by Picasa


  1. Hi,

    Cute kitten, I don't know why I didn't think it would be a tiger stripe, when i know that's what you always like.
    How about Java, that's kind of on the order of Mocha. Say the name outloud and see how she responds. Mocha has a soft sound that she might like, and you can sing-song the name a little.

  2. I think the gecko would be a good pet. How about a duck, “AFLAC”

    What ever you decide to call the kitten be sure that if you are outside at midnight calling its name people won’t think you’re crazy

  3. If I have to stand outside at midnight to call the cats name, both me and her have issues...
