Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I feel like it has been a while since I've written anything. I guess it hasn't been that long (2 days) but I feel like it has been. The reason I don't write is because there isn't much to say. Danny and I are getting anxious for our trip home. Seems like it is coming up so quickly. I am also anxious for him to come home. I feel like he's been gone forever! Just knowing it makes it harder to wait.
I am still on Spring Break until the end of the week. Trying to get things done and I have been pretty busy. Today I went to Yokosuka. I don't feel like I did a lot but I left at 930 and didn't get home until almost 3. Of course I would have been home sooner if traffic didn't suck! I had to do new fingerprints for the school, pay our 6-month insurance premium, change Mocha's record since we officially adopted her last week after her spay surgery (I was so glad to do this because PAWS named her Sandy and I hated that name), and get groceries to prepare for Danny's return (he's like a bottomless pit sometimes- not that I should complain. I worry when he doesn't eat much!) The reason this all took so long is because I had to wait an hour and a half for the fingerprints. Then I had to get air in the tire because it was going flat. Of course, by the time I made it to the vet, they were out for lunch. This is why I hate going to Yokosuka- it takes so much out of you. My poor husband has to go down there everyday. Yuck.
I've recently got more students. At the end of this week I will have three trial lessons and two regular lessons. Thank God its spring break. Thursday will be a very busy day. Total I will have 6 if my new students decide to continue lessons. Tomorrow is a free day for me, so I think I will be planning lessons!
Okay, well just wanted everyone to know we're still alive. Things are going well and I'll update you again soon.


  1. Sounds like you are feeling better anyway. Pretty soon you will have to start night class to keep up with all your students.
    I'm sure Danny will be showing up soon now, Mocha is better and Spring is here. That has to feel good!!
    Yes, the time will fly by, you will be here before anyone can get across the Tacoma Narrows Bridge to pick you up.

  2. My second student tomorrow canceled because she is afraid of her lack of English skill and confidence. I am actually sad although I was worried about being so busy. I wanted to get as much of this taken care of as I could before Danny came home.

  3. You're doing absolutely the best thing any Navy wife can do and that's stay busy when her husband is on patrol. Sorry, that's sexist, I should have used the term 'spouse'. Mark it up to being a submarine widow for almost 24 years.

    We're counting the days until you get back for your visit. I even made a mental note today to have the Accent fueled up for you guys when you get back so you'll be ready to hit the ground running, if you so desire. Please give Danny a heads up I had to take his license plate holder off, the one that said, "Friends don't let friends be Cougars" If he has a problem with it, just point out to him where I work now and what their mascot is. It was totally to protect his car from vandalism! ;-)

    Love and miss you both! See you of so very soon. XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  4. That's funny Tracy, we were all wondering how long that would stay on the license plate.
    I guess one that said "Friends don't let their friends marry sailors" wouldn't be to popular either, anyway not on base!

  5. Haha. Well, I knew it wouldn't stay on. Don't worry. Whenever Danny gets his own car and I drive the Hyundai, the frame won't stay then either!
