Friday, April 13, 2007


I have nothing more to say than I am really frustrated right now. I don't think I need to explain to be understood, but do I even really need a reason? When I think about my life right now, I can see so many possibilities for frustration...
Thanks. Had to vent. Don't really have anyone to talk to. And even if I did I can't divulge any details! Maybe that is why I am frustrated!


  1. I'm sure if you could talk you would feel better. Also I would guess it's something you can't change, control or do anything about, that is why it is so frustrating.
    Hard to vent with no one to listen!

    Treat yourself to something, anything to make you feel better.


  2. It must some Navy edict that has you so frustrated. I remember those days too. They're supposed to be home and aren't. They're supposed to leave and don't. Very annoying. You'll get used to it, and believe me, it really does get easier. You'll learn to roll with the punches. Like this patrol, I'll know Dan's home when he pulls his truck into the garage. And he knows not to expect the house to be clean or dinner on the stove when he does! ;-)

  3. That would be a pretty good guess.
    I suppose its my fault for getting all excited about it. Danny just started telling me new things and I am seeing other guys coming home, so I am about ready to pull my hair out.

  4. That's pretty much what I expected. It may not help too much, but Danny not being home when other guys are is actually a good sign for him. It means he's important to the mission. Tough on you though! Your grandmother had good advice, do something nice for yourself, even if it's just a nice long bubble bath and a new book. And if you can find just a couple of realllly good chocolates too? Score!

    I feel for you, I remember well that frustrated feeling. The anger and helplessness and nowhere to go with it. If you ever want to just talk and vent (as much as is legal anyway), I still have Skype! Love you, girl!

  5. You have no idea how much I want to say everything. Lori, like I said in my e-mails, I promise to tell you everything when I get home. You should see my description on Sailorbob "7th Fleet...Just shake the Magic 8 Ball." I love and miss you!
