Sunday, April 01, 2007

Cool pic

Some of you already got this, but I got permission to share it. :)


  1. Yes, really cool picture, wish we could get more. Danny certainly looks happy.


  2. Yes, he does look happy but I know he is stressed beyond belief!

  3. It was a nice break from the normal. Long in short, I was on one of the ship's RHIBs or Rigid Hull Inflatable Boat out in open water. It was a lot of fun. Anyway, that's the Mustin in the background.

  4. Yikes! I hope he had a lifejacket on. All that open water scares the pants off of me. Of course after ten feet I would poop out and drowned.

    The Snyder's made me watch a movie about the Coast Guard and it was so scary I had nightmares about it for a week.

    cluck cluck, yes I am chicken!


  5. The blue thing I had on was my lifejacket. It's pretty cool because it's self-inflating once it comes in contact with the water. I had to go out on the RHIB for one of my quals anyway, so it just worked out that I had a blast.

  6. Great picture! Thanks. Jim will be interested to see the ship. He enjoyed his Navy years.

    Gramma T.
