Friday, April 06, 2007

Nothing to say really...

There isn't much going on here, but I decided I better write a blog anyway.
I'm still sick. Its not a big deal though, I'm just kinda tired and got the nose and throat thing going on. Tomorrow, hopefully should be better. Since I am on Spring Break I am excited about relaxing, but I gotta get something done too. There is so much to do around the house.
Mocha is doing well. The vet clinic says it went very well and she seems to be getting better. I've got a cat on my lap just about 24/7, but I am just concerned about her healing. She definitely doesn't have that sweet kitten sparkle to her, which I'm afraid she won't get back. Maybe I've just got to give her time. Anyway, I've been keeping a close on her and know just about everything has done. Danny told me that he's glad he's not here just so I can devote 100% of my time to caring for the cat and not have to worry about him too (and trust me, taking care of Danny is a lot of work!!)
Not much else to say. I don't have any big things planned for the next week. We'll just see what happens. I'll try to keep in touch, but I am afraid there won't be too much to write about. Don't be surprised if you don't hear from me for a few days. I always accept telephone calls though. We will be back in the states soon enough, but that doesn't mean you can't call me now. Just don't hope to talk to Danny any time soon. :)
P.S. He tells me that he is still busy and insanely stressed, so just keep him in your thoughts.


  1. I try again!

    In a few days the sparkle with be back in both of you. In the mean time grab a good book, a warm blanket, and a snuggle up kitty, No better way to get better in a hurry.

  2. Hopefully both you and Mocha are feeling better soon. I figure that's why I almost never get sick, after 13+ years of working with kids, I've built up immunities to just about everything out there. You will too, but in the meantime, having a spring cold blows. (get it, cold, blows?)

    We're very excited to see you both soon! Love and miss you two. XXOOX Mom/Tracy
