Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Sometimes when I come home from work I just want to nap even though I am not tired. Then I don't want to get up when my alarm goes off and then I don't do anything the rest of the day even though I know I have to. This is an issue I noticed after we moved here, especially when Danny wasn't home (he has to take the home-to-work bus tonight, won't be home until 1830 and I leave shortly before then because I have a lesson at 1915 and won't be home until 2100). What do I do about this?
I've willingly joined a women's bible study, but it starts to feel like an obligation rather than a fun activity (especially when I won't see Danny AGAIN until I get home at 930 and he has duty the next day). This is why I don't do activities and it sucks. I have issues...


  1. Okay, now I want to hear what Danny says. You are feeling guilty about doing things away from home. I can understand, but if you don't get involved in other activities, how bored will you be when he is not there? Life is a trade-off and you do the best you can.
    I bet Danny likes the idea that you are busy doing something when he goes out to sea, this keeps him from feeling guilty about leaving you alone.
    No you are not really tired, just bored and a little depressed, that is why other activities are soooo important. I wish you had more friends around to just call and say " let's go do this or that today" or even just to sit and gossip with. I predict someday you will look back and wish you had the peace and quiet again, You will when you are 90 years old, ask Great Grandma about that.


  2. Hey Lori, I agree. It sounds as if you may be dealing with a mild bout of depression. Your best bet is to get out and do something. If your bible study is beginning to feel like an obligation and takes more time away from Danny, perhaps you can find a different one to join or something all together different. Are there any humane society type places around there where you could volunteer? Having little critters depending on you might give you the impetous to get out and about. or put your gardening skills to use at the school or a senior center? Doing those things, you would be more free to make your own schedule. The worst thing you could do is to give in and just sleep. Been there, done that, not a good choice.

    Know that we love you and I can completely empathize with you! Hang in there, Danny & Mocha need you! XXOOX Mom/Tracy
