Friday, May 25, 2007

My decision

I've realized today that I really need a hobby. Yesterday, a woman that I work with was selling a lot of StampingUp stuff for really cheap and I bought a bunch for scrapbooking. (I don't do card making, sorry). When we were back in the states I realized that I should get back into painting too. I really enjoy painting all those little wooden things. Who knows what I'd do with them when I was done, but I just need something to do. Knitting is fun, but it just isn't that exciting to me and not something I can spend a large amount of time doing. My project now was started last July!!
Step one- get a dining room table. THEN I can work on collecting craft stuff.
Anyone have some craft stuff they want to donate to me? :)


  1. Do I hear my name being called? I have a whole FULL of craft stuff. Trouble is I wouldn't know what to send.


  2. Dang, too bad you didn't go through my scrapbooking stuff while you were here. I have a ton but don't really enjoy it, so I'm sure there's stuff you'd like. I don't know what to send either, and would hate to pop the $ to send stuff you wouldn't need or like. If there's anything you can think of off the top of your head though, just say the word! XXOOX Mom/Tracy
