Monday, May 21, 2007

Our poor cat

So, anyone want to hear a story about how I accidentally almost seriously hurt, if not killed, our cat last night? It is a pretty short story...
I was doing laundry last night. I had just taken a load out of the dryer and put it in the living room. Then I went back and put the wet clothes in the dryer, grabbed a dryer sheet and started it up. As soon as I did there was this terrible sound coming from the dryer. It sounded like I had put a pair of shoes in. My load was very small, so I was really worried. I opened the dryer door and guess who shot out of the dryer and upstairs! Yup, Mocha. She probably jumped in before I put the wet clothes in the dryer. Danny was standing right next to me and he didn't know she was there either.
Mocha used to like climbing in the dryer, but I don't think she will anymore!
So, it wasn't a near death story, but I was really afraid I hurt her (she went around a few times before I turned it off) before I thought it was funny. Don't worry though, she is okay. Just not very bright.


  1. You told me she liked to climb in the dryer......and I came close to saying be sure and check for her before you start it. Let's hope she learned her lesson.
    Poor kitty.


  2. Sorry, I guess I'm one sick puppy. I laughed until I cried reading this. I'm so glad she's okay, what a rough way to learn a lesson. Drew's kitty almost jumped into the dryer today as a matter of fact, I caught her mid-leap. Maybe that's why I found your latest blog entry so humorous. And this is just a start, wait until you have kids! you'll be amazed they manage to live through it all. XXOOX Mom/Tracy
