Wednesday, December 05, 2007

More flooding

I found this video that a girl from high school posted on facebook. For those of you are in Silverdale right now, this will not shock you much. For me, I saw it on the news but it doesn't hit home until you see it in the streets you just drove a few days ago. This particular video isn't too shocking, but if you go to and search Silverdale flood, there is incredible video of Clear Creek and flooding at the corner of Silverdale Way, Chico, and Newberry Hill. All I could say was "Oh my God!"

I hope everyone is high and dry and the water is receding.


  1. I'm waiting for some pictures of Chico creek. I remember what it looked like in the 40's when it flooded and moved huge fir trees down like match sticks. It was still running very high today.
    Understand the Willcox House in Seabeck lost their road and damaged the house.
    Mary (next to Hank's) had their business flooded , several inches of water. and it was like a sauna in there. They had just remodeled last summer and put down Pergo tile, floating floor, which it did, and now must come back up, really a mess!
    We had no damage anywhere. G.Grandma had a leak in her bedroom roof, everything else was fine, maybe the moss does absorb water.

  2. What some amazing footage! Now I have to go to you tube and see what else is there! Thanks for letting us know about it, Lori.
    :-) Tracy

  3. LOL! about the moss....

    The video is amazing. Fun music to go with it.
