Monday, December 03, 2007


Where is home exactly?
Anyway, I just wanted to let anyone who didn't already know, we made it. Danny didn't get to stay in Japan very long, so I had to come home by myself. Its lonely and sad, but at least I have my silly cat.
Please keep in contact with me. Going from having so many friends and family around to be alone is going to be tough. Don't forget about me, okay?
Love you all.


  1. Remember the old saying"Home is where the heart is".
    Sometimes our heart is in two different places at once.
    Your "home" is in Japan with Danny and Mocha. Your family and memories are in another "home". You know you are changing when you walk in the house and say "gee it's good to be home!" As your family grows, so will your idea of home. Knowing you and Danny,you would make a home no matter where you were, even under a bridge!

    Love you both, (and Mocha)

  2. Good to here you guys are safe.
    We all will miss you and can't wait for the next visit.


  3. Thanks so much for the call last night, Lori. Talk about going from everything to nothing! Here I had you two here, warmth and heat for two weeks to an empty, dark, cold house w/no power. At least I had my own silly cat who enjoyed the heater immensely and kept me amused. your call brightened my evening too! Love and miss both of you like crazy already! XXOOX Mom/Tracy
