Friday, December 14, 2007


I was enjoying my sleep this morning when my cellphone rang at 7:15 am. Caller ID didn't know who it was, so I didn't answer. They left a message and I knew who it was before I even listened. The school wanted me to substitute and I reluctantly agreed.
They wanted me to fill in for Mr. Jackson, who is the assistant teacher in the Kindergarten class. His wife, the primary teacher, was also absent for the day so the main teacher was a sub as well, luckily someone I already knew from church.
You all know how kids take advantage of substitute teachers. We didn't let them get away with much, but I was surprised at how much better they behaved when another teacher came to round them up. (Everyone helps subs at the school and it is fantastic!) It was a very tiring, but good day. I almost fell asleep on the couch at 4 pm (wish I would have actually). The best part of the day was that I got lots of hugs. Those little girls are so adorable. Even one of the 1st graders came behind me when I was sitting down and tried to massage my shoulders.
Now, I am watching Heroes episodes online where other people have added them to watch for free. If I was in the states I would just do it at, but they have a thing against people in Japan. I am happy to be catching up either way.
Danny will be home very, very soon and I am excited. Yes, I know it hasn't been that long since I've seen him, but I really miss him. Since the ship has been gone for two months, the FRG has a homecoming ceremony organized and the first kiss recipients selected. I am too cynical to go. Firstly, I don't converse with those wives and second, my husband is an officer. He won't be off the ship until later anyway. I've learned from the past year and a half that there is no reason to be down there too early. I just get stuck sitting around and waiting anyway!


  1. So do you think you'll become an elementary school teacher? There's nothing like those little hugs to get you through the day. Plus, when they see you outside of school, they act as if you're a celebrity! It's sweet.

    You sure learned a lot faster than I did about not waiting for the boat. It took me about a decade to decide I was done with that. After spending 3 hours on a pier, in the rain and cold, I wisened up. Now Dan just calls when he's ready to be picked up!

    Glad he'll be home soon and you'll get to enjoy the holidays together. Just three more work days, and it's Christmas break for us too! Yay!!! XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  2. What no cute little boys? Do I detect teacher favoritism.

    Nancy and I helped make hand plaques as Christmas presents at the kindergarten for several years, it was really fun. Kids love to do anything messy.

    Glad Danny is also home again. Two months doesn't seem very long to me. After 52 years it sounds like a breath of fresh air!


  3. I will give my favorite substitute assistant kindergarten teacher a hug.

    Wish I had enough energy to put up with room full of kindergardeners.

    Love Dad
