Sunday, June 24, 2007

43 Things

I came across this website that lets you browse ideas and choose 43 things you'd like to do. I have put together my list.


  1. What a list,I would add.......remember my list........and live long enough to do at least half! Only a young person would ever hope to do all of these..........but heck what have you got to loss by trying....I say go for it!!! (If you take the Alaska cruise be sure to take Mosquito repellent).

    Good luck

  2. I just started a thing - 101 in 1001. You make a list of 101 things you want to do, or things you want to improve about yourself, and you get 1001 days to do them. I'm excited!! I like your list...I don't know that I could do the "wake up first time the alarm goes off" though, lol!

  3. I was surprised at the low numbers for 'praying for other people'. Only 5? What's the website? I don't think I saw a link to it on your blog. I'd be interested to see the choices there and what sort of list I'd come up with. Cruise to AK? Nope, that wouldn't be one of them, that's for sure. Maybe the Bahamas! ;-)

  4. well, how about the 8 people that wanted to show love, kindness, and respect to their husbands?
    The website is

  5. I'm so glad you want to show love, kindness and caring for your husband, since he's my kid. Good to know he's in caring hands. As if I ever had any doubts! I'll go check that website out, interesting. :-)
