Thursday, June 28, 2007


Between 8 and 11 in the morning our new land line (dsn) phone service will be working. Now you can call us and be able to hear us!
From the states, our number will be 011-81-45-281-4475. If you can't connect with that number for any reason, try 011-81-6160-242-4475. I know that looks like a lot of numbers. I can't explain the second number, but I know 011 is the international access code from the states, 45 is the area code, 281 is the Negishi prefix and 4475 is the last four of our phone number.
Please, please, please make sure you know what time it is here before you call us!!!


  1. I read this early this morning, thought about calling so you knew I read the blog every day, but thought you wouldn't appreciate a call at 1 AM.
    You are now in Grandpa's rolidex. I will have to find out the 10 10 number Cheryl uses to call Korea, I know it was pretty reasonable.


  2. Well, you could have called at 1 am if you wanted to. Our service won't even start working until at least 8 am, and it is only 7:45 now!
