Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Alright, time for updates on appointments.
So, it is a really long story, but I'll make it as short as possible. I was supposed to have my ultrasound appointment last Monday at 9:30. I left the house at 7:45, which should have been plenty of time. It took me twice as long to get to Yokohama because of train problems. Then once I got there, the line for the train line I wanted went all the way through the train station and outside. It probably would have taken about an hour to get through it. I called radiology and they said they couldn't get me in until the 30th. I called Danny, cried and tried to find another way to get to Yokosuka - at his insistence. He went to the hospital and got me a spot at 930 on Wednesday that someone had just canceled. Yay! So Wednesday morning I got up at 430 and rode with Danny to work then did very little for the next few hours.
They got me in there about 20 minutes late. The whole appointment took 30 minutes or so. He checked everything. Measurements, heartbeat, bloodflow, heart chambers, kidneys, everything! The measurements put the baby at two days behind the original due date. The baby was measuring 10 oz and just over 6" I believe. They even checked parts of me. Everything looks great. Of course he asked if we wanted to know the gender. I can't tell you the results of that though. Haha, you thought I'd slip...
Here are some pictures.
Facing front, arms up.

Facing up - I still think that looks exactly like my little nose.

Today, my appointment was quick. I measured normal. Heartbeat was easy to find (I told here where I always find it and sure enough there it was. She said the baby usually likes one spot to settle. Of course, we woke the baby up with the doppler and the kick startled me a little. The midwife said she'd like if I'd gain a few more pounds. Its the hardest part of being pregnant right now. I am up to 140, but at 5 months I need to be a little more. Websites say I should have gained 10-15 by now, but I'm at about 2 which is mostly baby and fluids. I'm working harder at it though. I had McDonalds for lunch, so I'm sure that gave me enough calories for the whole day!
Oh, and the due date is staying the same (Sept 7th) but I would put money on the fact that we wont see a baby by then!
If I left anything out I'll edit this post later or leave a comment. I am getting "pregnancy brain" so its really easy to forget things!

EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to mention the best part of the appointment! Danny got to be there. It was so great. He has seen pictures, but he was never able to see how much the baby moves on the ultrasound or hear the heartbeat. It was a great experience for him and I was so glad he could be there when we found out the gender. He is a happy dad. He even called me again today from Sasebo to see how my appointment went.

SECOND EDIT: I had a really funny experience when I went to pay the car insurance today. Before I could tell the woman at the counter what I needed she said "are you pregnant?!" I was so shocked because I didn't think anyone could tell. She must have really good pregnancy instincts and know it well enough to be comfortable saying out loud. It was also interesting that there was another woman working in the office that was about as pregnant as I am. Some friends told me today that you can tell I'm pregnant, but I think it is only because they know. What do you think? (You can always click pictures to see a bigger version - in this case you may need it!)


  1. I'm sure glad you can tell that's a baby, the second picture did look better...I guess you had to be there : )

    Glad to hear everything is going okay, I'm sure you will start to gain weight soon. The morning sickness put you back. Probably next time you go in they will tell you not to eat so much.

    And YES that is a cute nose!

  2. Yes, I think you look pregnant, not a lot but anyone that looks at you sideways can tell. Maybe you have the "glow" that they all talk about. Funny we are talking about 6 inches here, and a mother that is not gaining a lot of weight.

    Looking good!!

  3. What wonderful pictures! ALL of them! Since you told us the position, I could actually make out the little arms. I tried making out something else as well, but failed, dang it! ;-)

    And yes, you look pregnant. I think it's the clothes more than anything else. Sort of a giveaway.

    Still watching that mailbox! XXOOX Mom/Tracy

  4. There isn't much else to see in those ultrasound pictures, Tracy. In the second one you can see lips, nose and eyes (sort of).
    The interesting thing about my shirt is that it isn't maternity. I bought it at Old Navy months before I was pregnant. The pants are maternity though. I don't have to wear them, but I do because they are comfortable.

  5. Okay, at least I don't feel like I missed anything then. Yes, the second picture was almost like a cameo picture of the baby, too sweet! I just finished the first baby bootie tonight, huge awwww factor!

    You'll love the maternity pants for about the next 3, maybe 3 1/2 months, then you're going to give anything for pants that zip again! I was so desperate after Danny, I even borrowed a pair of my Mom's as soon as I got home from the hospital. Ahhh... 'real' clothes again! ;-)

  6. Ok, I'm DYING to know what you're having! You said grandparents-to-be will find out later this week, so I'm Waiting! It's Thursday already...

  7. Waiting to find out if my mom knows. I'll probably post tonight anyway. Who is Noni?
