Friday, April 18, 2008

pack and play

I went to check the mail yesterday and we had a huge 40 lb box. Luckily I got one of the mail guys to carry it out to the car for me. Anyway, it was a Combi travel pack and play (also known as a play yard). It comes with a bassinet attachment and changing table. Both work up to 15 lbs.
Well, I have pictures.

Thank you Dan & Tracy.

P.S. I finally chose a high chair and added it to the registry. They'll be getting a major revamp soon...


  1. How cute, now all we need is something to go in it!!

    I really think these things are so practical, I bet you use it longer than you plan too. Now the big decision will it be upstairs or downstairs.


  2. When I am using the bassinet, it will be in our bedroom. As soon as the baby reaches 15 lbs, they can sleep in their crib. Then the pack and play will go downstairs.
    The nice thing is that the bassinet comes off easily and is self supporting. As long as the baby isn't too long, I'll be able to use the bassinet on the floor if I want to.

  3. We had something similar, although not nearly as fancy when Danny was a newborn. We used the heck out of it too! Going to visit friends, it was so easy to throw in the trunk of the car, and bingo, safe place for baby to nap! And again, when we had to move to VA Beach when he was just a couple of months old. It sure was nice to have until our furniture finall arrived. Bonus, yours is CUTE! :-)

  4.'re really going to tell me that when the baby is upstairs sleeping you will be downstairs and not running upstairs every five minutes to check. I know you have a monitor, but you won't believe it is up the stairs you go!
    I read one site where the mother had a three story house and had a bassinet on each floor.
    Also saw a site where they suggested a Moses basket.
    I'm sure you will figure out something, maybe just a sling, they really work great.
