Monday, October 13, 2008

New Pictures

Here are some new pics. Check out photobucket for the rest.


  1. OMG, she is SO cute! I love the one where she looks as if you surprised her w/the camera. Is her hair getting lighter? It sort of looks that way from the little I could see. You and Danny do GOOD work! ;-)

    XXOOX Mom/Dad; Dan/Tracy

  2. I told Lori that she should post these after she sent them to me. I was having a rough day and they totally cheered me up! Granted, how could you not be cheered up by that cute face?

  3. Oh Baby she is just so darn cute, is her hair reddish Lori? In the pic with the surprise look she kind of looks like Danny to me. These are just adorable.

    Love Lots of hugs and kisses for Miss Melanie from Grandma Cheryl

  4. In the one pic, she seems to be saying, "Yikes, Mom! I'm naked!" I've set that for my computer background, it makes me smile. :-)

  5. I can't believe how fast she is growing and looking like a real person with expressions and everything! Good job Mom!
    Love you all.

  6. By the way, she is BEAUTIFUL!

  7. Soooo cute! :D

    Gramma T
