Thursday, October 09, 2008

So many ups and downs

We're doing a little better today. It is amazing what adequate sleep can do.
I called 3AOB last night and talked to the lactation consultant on duty. He gave me some tips and pointers. They particularly want to see me and help me, but that is difficult living in Negishi. For now I am trying to pump every two hours and get my supply back up. He gave me lots of information, but it was hard to get it all 'cause I was distracted. Melanie was being just a bit fussy, then Amy brought me dinner (banana pancakes - THANK YOU!!) and cleaned my kitchen floor. I had a cricket jumping around and drowned it in bug spray. That stuff is slippery and gross. So hard to get off the floor.
Anyway, today is starting out as one of those good days. Hopefully I can keep her full and happy today.

Thanks to everyone for the breastfeeding advice. I feel like I'm depriving her by bottle feeding rather than breast, even if it is still my milk. She enjoys breastfeeding a lot although she likes to pacify. I understand babies do that for comfort. We'll keep working on it. Hopefully I can get sleep and am more willing to do what I need to do to help her learn.


  1. Glad to hear you're feeling a little more hopeful after some sleep. Amazing the recuperative powers of that, isn't it? Keep doing what works for you and if it takes an occasional bottle to let you get that sleep you so badly need, go for it. It'll just make the other hours of being a 'pacifier' easier to bear!

  2. YAY! I'm so glad to hear you're a bit rested and on a more positive keel. I wanted to throw out there real quick (though I'm sure you've heard this before) that you can really increase your supply by eating LOTS of oatmeal and taking fenugreek, blessed thistle and fennel. If you want some tips on that send me an email on myspace. :D

  3. Me, too! Glad to hear the more positive note, and that you got some helpful information.

    I quit nursing after two weeks with my first, and regretted it. Always thought I might have been able to continue if I had had some support.... most moms were bottle feeding then, and it wasn't mother's milk.

    I don't see any problem using a bottle when she's getting good mom's milk and she does get some cuddle time to nurse, as well.

    Love and Prayers,

    Gramma T
