Monday, October 20, 2008

Sleep and Eat

I just fed Melanie and am waiting for her to go back to sleep, so this is a good time to post an update.
Things are going well here. The last two nights she has slept in her own room! After Danny left I got her to sleep in her bassinet again (she's been sleeping in her papasan chair). I got a sleep positioner that I ordered which works much better than rolled up blankets. Yesterday I put it in the bassinet section of the pack'n'play and put here there for her nap. She cries a little, but we're working on a system that seems to be successful. Last night and at 3am I put her back in there and she fell asleep without one little peep. Right now she has the hiccups and may not fall asleep, but it'll be fine. Anyway, I think both her and I are sleeping better at night. She was so tired yesterday she zonked out at about 730 last night.
Breastfeeding is going really well. It's still frustrating that she wants to eat every 1.5hr or so, but I'm getting used to it. At night I am pumping and bottle feeding her. It also seems to work well for both of us. The only downside is that nursing helps her fall asleep, but she has a pacifier that she loves.
Well, she is crying and awake now so I gotta calm her down, but another update will come soon.


  1. I'm so glad to hear things are going better still with Baby Girl. Having her sleeping in her own room is probably giving both of you better sleep. By the time Danny gets back, you'll be like, "What, you were gone?" LOL

    We love and miss ALL of you! XXOOX Mom/Dad; Dan/Tracy

  2. Glad to hear that you are getting some sleep.

    Sweet dreams to both of you.


  3. One month old and sleeping on her own. She's growing up. :D

  4. Sounds like you have things under control and are really settling in. she really sounds like a good baby and probably wouldn´t eat if not hungrey.
    Don´t throw away the pacifier as Sofia can´t get Lisa to sleep without the breast. I could get her to sleep when mama isn´t around. Am now prepared for a stubborn 1 year old who wants their own way, otherwords about the time you bring Melanie home.
    Love Grandma
