Sunday, October 12, 2008

We went to Yokosuka yesterday to work with the lactation consultant. There was some good work and it was pretty successful. I'm still working on getting her to latch correctly, but we've made progress. No more bottles, at least for now.
The nurse wanted to weigh Melanie before we left. She is now 2.16kg which is essentially 7lbs. Finally she's too long for preemie clothes. I had to go to the Exchange yesterday and buy her some newborn clothes though. When we go through 3-4 outfits today there isn't much left for her to wear!
Well, that is about as much time for an update as I have for now.


  1. Seven pounds! WOW

    Good to here that the lactation consultant was helpful.

    Keep Melanie fed and maybe she will sleep better.


  2. So happy that you have good people to help.

  3. Baby Girl just keeps growing and growing. That's a good thing, that's what babies are supposed to do. Just not 49 yo women!

    Glad the nursing is going better for you both. It takes a lot of work and patience, yay for you both! You're doing it!

    Please give Melanie hugs and kisses for us both, okay?

    XXOOX Mom/Dad; Dan/Tracy
