Friday, November 03, 2006

Changes to blog

You can obviously tell that I have made some visual changes to the blog. I am trying to find a format that fits the theme of our blog, but it is hard to find. I have made some other changes as well. You no longer have to be a member to post a comment on the blog, but I did turn on word verification. I am going to test this out for a time to see how it works and if anyone is using it. If I get spam or the only people commenting are those who have been all along, then I will change it back just to be safe. If you have any problems, please email me and I will try to fix it.


  1. Okay, I'm game. Since i don't know what i am doing most of the time, I'll give it a try.

  2. You know, the only difference is that you don't have to log in. I was aiming it more towards people who may read once in a while, but don't go through the trouble to make an account.

  3. It does make it easier to answer or comment. It wouldn't be so bad with the password but you have to do it every time you comment. I know a lot of people (usually me also) don't like to have a password etc. just to answer a blog. Works for me, lets see some comments out there people!! I guess you have to hit anonymous.


  4. Had to try other and it works pretty well.

  5. you don't have to log out everytime you are done. That way you don't really have to remember your password.

  6. Just so you all know, blogger was have problems or doing maintenance, do no posts or comments could be made. I hope everything is working now.

  7. Hi, just trying it out.
